Dar es Salaam, 27 April 2022 – The World Health Organization (WHO) Tanzania Country Office launched the third WHO Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS). The strategy launched provides a roadmap for WHO support to the United Republic of Tanzania for the next five years (2022-2027).
The launch event took place at the Nyerere International Convention Centre in Dar es Salaam and gathered senior government officials from Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar, representatives of sister UN Agencies, Ambassadors, health partners, and members of the media. Present to witness and officiate the launch were the two health Ministers, Hon. Ummy Mwalimu (MP) and Hon. Nassoro Mazrui; Deputy Permanent Secretary from the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups; representative from the President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government Tanzania (PO-RALG) and the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr. Zlatan Milišić.
Remarks from all the speakers applauded the Government of Tanzania for the strong leadership and significant advances in improving health and the wellbeing of its people. WHO was also commended for supporting the health sector achieve and sustain significant improvements in the health of the nation through implementing two Cooperation Strategies.
“I commend the strong partnership between WHO, other sister UN Agencies and the Ministry of Health in Mainland and Zanzibar which has facilitated delivery of complimentary mandates. This Country Cooperation Strategy is therefore timely as we all have the responsibility to work together. I am confident that through continued partnership, the health sector will be able to meet its ambitious goals towards improving the health and well-being of the population,” said the UN Resident Coordinator.
“WHO has been working closely with the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar through the Ministry of Health by availing resources for implementation of the Health Sector Strategic Plan III and contributed to notable reduction in the morbidity and mortality of under five children and significant reduction of malaria morbidity and mortality rates. We are pleased that this CCS has does not only respond to country needs and priorities but also addresses the vision of providing high-quality livelihoods to its people, as stated the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 and Zanzibar’s Vision 2050,” said Hon. Nassoro Mazrui, the Minister of Health in Zanzibar.
In her remarks, the Minister of Health in Mainland, Honorable Ummy Mwalimu who was the guest of honor, highlighted the relevance of having a cooperation strategy and cited achievements realized in the sector through support of health partners.
“Tanzania has been successful in reducing newborn and child mortality, as well as childhood malnutrition. Mortality due to major communicable diseases including HIV, Tuberculosis (TB) and malaria, is decreasing. The number of health facilities has nearly doubled, and medicines become much more available. Domestic funding for health has doubled in the last decade but falls short of creating access to quality care for all. Governance of the health sector was strengthened through decentralisation by devolution. The contribution of partners like the World Health Organization (WHO) in the realization of the vision, goals and targets set by the Government is indispensable”, said the Minister.
“Despite this progress, end-term review of the HSSP IV showed that, in service delivery not all targets of have been met in relation to improvement of health status of the population, e.g. in maternal and neonatal health, or adolescent health. Access to health care is not yet equitable. The increase in health infrastructure has not gone hand in hand with the increase in human resources for health. The health financing strategy was not implemented, and the population covered by health insurance stays behind expectations” she added.
“We are pleased that the Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) being launched today, will not only respond to the unfinished business of the HSSP IV but also aligns with the vision of HSSP V which is to have a healthy and prosperous society that contributes fully to the development of individuals and the nation. Today, I pledge my continued cooperation in making sure that implementation of this strategy becomes a reality,” she concluded.
With an estimated budget of US$ 73 million, WHO’s support in the next five years will focus on:
- Strengthening health systems to ensure universal access to quality reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) and other essential health services.
- Protecting communities against emergencies of infectious diseases and other public health events.
- Reducing exposure of individuals to risk factors that threaten their health and well-being.
- Improving efficiencies in the health sector through better, equitable health governance, leadership, and accountability.
WHO Tanzania Representative, Dr. Tigest Ketsela Mengestu acknowledged the efforts and contributions that led to the development of the strategy.
“Today, WHO renews its commitment to collaborate with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania for the next five years towards achieving health sector goals in improving the health of its population and bringing in transformative changes in the health sector. We are confident that working together and guided by this strategy, the Ministry of Health, WHO and health partners in Tanzania will contribute towards a common mission to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable.
The CCS reflects WHO’s major reform agenda outlined in its 13th General Programme of Work (GPW13) (2019-2023) and the WHO African Regional Transformation Agenda, which aim to improve access to universal health coverage, better protect people from health emergencies, and improve people’s health and well-being.