
WHO Representative to Namibia officially presented his credentials to the Government


The newly appointed World Health Organization (WHO) Representative to Namibia, Dr. Richard Banda officially presented his credentials to the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga on 13 June 2024.

During the meeting, Hon. Dr. Peya Mushelenga welcomed Dr. Richard Banda to the Land of the Brave and commented WHO for supporting the government with the health response.  “We are grateful for the support that has been rendered to our country to fight various pandemics including COVID-19 and Malaria which is well known in this region of southern Africa,” he remarked. 

Presenting his credentials, Dr. Banda thanked the Minister for the warm welcome and expressed his appreciation for being accorded the opportunity to represent World Health Organization in Namibia. He further acknowledged the leadership and commitment of the government towards ensuring universal health coverage. “I am pleased to note that Namibia is among the first African countries to achieve initial milestones towards the elimination of vertical transmission of HIV, and Hepatitis B from Mother to Child.  For us, that’s a cornerstone for sustainable development and Namibia is on track towards attaining the universal health coverage milestones” he added

Dr. Banda further acknowledged the role that Namibia played in helping WHO establish a pandemic accord, seeking the government to continue engaging in the global health discussions and the ongoing revision of the International Health Regulations. He further committed WHO support to the government in addressing public health issues in the country, stating “I assure you that working along other stakeholders, WHO is and remains your committed partner in addressing the social, environmental other determinants of health in the country.  I therefore seek your continued engagement with the organization and other partners focusing on solving issues affecting the health of our communities”.

Before coming to Namibia, Dr. Richard Banda was WHO Representative to the Kingdom of Lesotho for close to 5 years. He is a public health specialist with over 25 years of experience in the health sector facilitating health policy formulation, technical cooperation, and policy dialogue at both national and international levels. Dr. Banda joined WHO 20 years ago and has worked with the national TB/HIV programs in the sub-Saharan region at various duty stations including Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya and Malawi. He has also been actively involved in managing public health emergency responses including the COVID-19 pandemic, Ebola, Cholera, floods and pandemic influenza preparedness in several countries.


Project Analyst (PFM)

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