
WHO commends Kebbi State for innovative strategies in reaching 600,000 vulnerable children with vaccines


Kebbi, 11 August, 2023 – In a recent visit to Kebbi in North West Nigeria, WHO  Country Representative (WR), Dr Walter Kazadi Mulombo  commended the State in North for employing innovative strategies in reaching about 600,000 children living in security-compromised settlements with live-saving vaccines. 

The children were reached during the immunization outbreak response campaign  conducted by the state government in collaboration with WHO and partners to boost the immunity of children living in the state against circulating Varinat Poliovirus (cVPV2) and other vaccine-preventable diseases. 

The WR, in the company of the Executive Director of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), Dr Faisal Shuaib, and other senior WHO staff from the country and zonal offices were received by the Deputy Governor of Kebbi State,  Senator Umar Abubakar Tafida.

During the meeting, Dr Mulombo appreciated the health workers and WHO staff who risked their lives to make sure all eligible children in the compromised settlements were reached with life-saving vaccines for the first time in their lives. 

Pledging WHO’s continued support for innovative strategies, to ensure no one is left behind in accessing life-saving interventions irrespective of barriers, he stressed the,  “importance of community engagement, especially the roles of traditional leaders in negotiating access and ensuring health security in their domains through full ownership of health interventions including immunization programmes.”

He elucidated that this was one of the resolutions reached at a prior the Stakeholder’s engagement with the District Heads of Sokoto and Kebbi State and he charged the health workers to ensure that traditional leaders are carried along in team selection, microplanning among others.

Similarly, the WR congratulated the state Government for establishing the Kebbi state contributory Health management agency (KECHEMA) and stressed the need to strengthen the agency to improve access and move closer to achieving the goal of achieving Universal Health Coverage to reduce catastrophic health expenditures among the citizen. 

He however noted the worrisome state of human resources for Health in Kebbi state and charge the new Government to take bold steps in addressing the issue. In his response, the Deputy Governor of Kebbi State directed the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health to immediately carry out a staff audit with the view of identifying the gaps and using the findings for appropriate actions. The WHO Representative promised to provide technical support to the state Government in the audit exercise.

In the same vein, the WR noted the poor performance of the state in terms of Abuja’s Commitment, especially in the areas of non-release of LGA counterpart funds for routine/supplementary immunization activities as well as poor attendance of LGA Chairmen at evening review meetings.

 He congratulated the state Deputy Governor for chairing the last Task Force meeting on Immuniztion, and for personally taking steps to address  the gaps recorded. Dr Mulombo appreciated the state Government’s effort in paying its counterpart funds and appealed for a review to reflect the current economic realities as raised by the Executive Secretary State Primary Health Care Development Agency.

Earlier in the day, the WR interacted with WHO staff in the state where he was praised for the number of WHO workforce in Kebbi as well as its presence in all the LGAs and many of the security compromised wards. He challenged the workforce to use the Polio approach to bridge the gaps in Malaria, Maternal and child health, Nutrition, Tuberculosis etc in the spirit of Integrated PHC. 

He also concluded by stressing the importance of community engagement and the need to understand that Primary Health care is not the same as ‘Sick care’ but a comprehensive approach to health involving multisectoral collaboration, community engagement and Public health services.

This article highlights the important work that is being done by the WHO and the Kebbi State Government to improve access to health care for all citizens. It also emphasizes the need for community engagement and innovative strategies to reach those who are most vulnerable.

Technical Contacts:
Dr Adamu Haruna Ismaila; Email: adamuh [at] 
Dr Emmanuel, Eyitayo; Email: emmanuele [at] 


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