The SDG “localization” and the 2030 Agenda requires the provision of capacities and tools to enable local authorities, representatives, and development actors to integrate the SDGs into local level planning, budgeting, monitoring, and reporting, so that they can implement their programmes and communicate their results to National Governments and the international community in a credible manner.
In Mozambique the issue of the SDG “localization” takes on particular importance due to the recent decentralization reform, which created structures and competencies at provincial level, and the recent inauguration of Local Government members.
In the framework of the Localizing SDGs initiative in Cabo Delgado province (funded by the Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation – AACID and with the Ministry of Economy and Finance as its main implementing partner), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Mozambique, with the support of the respective donor mentioned above as well as the Council of State Representation Services – Provincial Service of Economy and Finance – SPEF and the Provincial Executive Council – Provincial Directorate of Planning and Finance of this province, are organizing a Training Course on SDG Localization Methodology for the members of the Provincial Reference Group of SDG Localization in Cabo Delgado.
Within this training course, there is a component on Strategic Planning and alignment of strategic plan with SDGs (IV): Gender mainstreaming in the SDG localization process, which will take place in June 2022, for which UNDP seeks the services of a consultant for the facilitation and elaboration of the material of the workshop to the Provincial Reference Group in Cabo Delgado province.
