
UN WOMEN Jobs – 112974


Building on the vision of equality enshrined in the United Nations Charter, UN Women works towards the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates the UN system’s efforts to ensure that commitments to gender equality and gender mainstreaming are translated into action around the world. UN Women provides strong and consistent leadership to support the priorities and efforts of Member States by building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors. Gender equality and equity is a concern of the Government of Mozambique. Since the achievement of independence in June 1975, the Government of Mozambique has adopted a political, institutional, and legal framework favorable to the inclusion of human rights, gender equality and the promotion of women empowerment. The ratification of CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) in 1993 and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995 have enabled remarkable progress towards gender equality, women’s and girls’ rights and empowerment in the political, social, and economic spheres. The Constitution of the Republic (articles 36 and 122 of the Constitution) postulates gender equality and promotion of women, operationalized by the Five-Year Government Plan 2020-2024 (PQG), which has as one of its strategic objectives the promotion of gender equality and equity, social inclusion, and protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population. Special attention is also given to commitments such as eliminating gender-based violence and ensuring protection for survivors of violence. The other milestones include, the establishment of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action (MGCAS), the National Council for the Advancement of Women, the Gender Policy and Strategy for its Implementation, the IV National Plan for the Advancement of Women (2018-2024), the Law on Domestic Violence against Women (29/2009), National Plan to Prevent and Combat Gender-Based Violence (2018-2021), National Action Plan for Peace and Women’s Security (2018-2022), and the Law on Preventing and Combating Premature Unions (19/2019), as well as gender strategies for different sectors. These significant advances have contributed to positive results, especially to women’s participation in decision-making and the reduction of maternal mortality. Overall, the participation and representation of women in decision-making positions in Mozambique is 32.5%. However, harmful socio-cultural norms continue to threaten the gains made, contributing to the prevalence of violence against women and girls, and socio-economic disparities between women and men, which can be exacerbated in conflict situations, and limits women’s participation in conflict resolution and response processes. To respond to the challenges faced in promoting gender equality in peace and security processes, the Government of Mozambique, through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action approved in May 2018, the I National Plan of Action on Women, Peace, and Security (2018-2022 -NAPWPS), aimed at promoting the human rights of women and girls in armed conflict and post-conflict contexts. Specifically, the National Plan sought to: I) create an enabling environment for the implementation of legislation on women, peace and security; II) integrate a gender perspective in all conflict prevention and management actions and strategies; III) ensure women’s participation in decision-making structures in peace and security processes; IV) promote mechanisms to ensure greater recruitment, retention and promotion of women in defense, security and justice bodies, V) strengthen the fight against all forms of violence against women and girls in the conflict and non-conflict situation; VI) expand efforts for the safety, physical and mental health and dignity of women and girls, VII) ensure the rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations. The National Plan on Women Peace and Security has identified 5 priority areas for the implementation of the women, peace, and security agenda in Mozambique, namely: * Develop and implement a policy and legal framework on women, peace, and security. * Promote gender equality and equity in defense and security institutions * Promote women’s participation in peace and security structures and processes * Prevent sexual and gender-based violence in conflict and peace situations * Ensure gender perspective is reflected in relief and recovery efforts To accelerate the implementation of the NAP on WPS, the Government of Mozambique in collaboration with UN Women and Financial support of Government of Norway and Iceland implemented the project called: “Promoting Effective Participation of Women and Girls in Peace, Security and Recovery in Mozambique 2018-2021” with the objective of increasing opportunities for women’s participation in peace, security and recovery processes at the local level in 7 provinces of the country (Cabo Delgado, Zambezia, Sofala, Manica, Tete, Inhambane and Gaza), which resulted, among others, in increased awareness of the Women, Peace and Security agenda, Economic Empowerment of women and girls affected by conflicts and natural disasters, as well as actions to prevent and combat Gender Based Violence. Despite these positive results, the implementation of the NAP (2018-2022) took place at a critical moment in Mozambique, where in addition to terrorist attacks in some districts of Cabo Delgado province, the country was buffeted by natural disasters (droughts, floods and cyclones), which had an impact on the lives of women and girls, which posed challenges in its implementation. After the end of the National Plan on Women, Peace and Security (2018-2022), it is essential to carry out a final evaluation to verify the progress, the achieved results, the gaps and the challenges resulting from its implementation and to collect good practices and recommendations. It is also intended from these evaluation results to proceed with the elaboration of the II National Plan on Women, Peace and Security of Mozambique, an instrument that will guide the actors in the implementation of the actions within the scope of the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security at the national, regional and continental levels. In this context, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action (MGCAS) in partnership with UN Women, intends to hire two national consultants to conduct an Evaluation of the Implementation of the National Plan on Women, Peace and Security (2018-2022) and support in the preparation of the Second National Plan on Women, Peace and Security for the next 5 years.

Overall objective

To evaluate and document the progress and results achieved as a result of the implementation of the National Plan on Women, Peace, and Security (2018-2022) and to develop the second National Plan on Women, Peace and Security.

Specific objectives

  • Assess the relevance of interventions, strategy, and approach in the implementation of the National Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2018-2022.
  • Identify lessons learned, good practices and challenges of the implementation of the NAP (2018-2022).
  • Identify the needs and interests of women, with a focus on the areas of participation, protection, recovery, and prevention,
  • Prepare the Evaluation Report of the plan to be submitted to MGCAS.
  • Identify national priorities considering the covid-19 pandemic, climate change and other emerging gender, peace, and security issues.
  • Develop the second National Plan on Women, Peace, and Security,

Expected Outcomes.

  • Achievements, challenges, lessons learned, good practices and recommendations for second generation NAP Identified and documented.
  • Needs and interests of women and girls, with emphasis on participation, protection, recovery and relief and prevention identified.
  • National priorities, considering the covid-19 pandemic, climate change and other emerging gender, peace and security issues, are identified and documented.
  • Monitoring and evaluation framework for the NAP II to track progress and ensure accountability in the implementation of the plan developed.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the supervision of the Gender National Directorate, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action (MGCAS) and UN Women Office, the consultants will work closely with the technical staff assigned by the Gender National Directorate and Programme Officer of the Women, Peace, and Security area as well as the Program Specialist of UN Women Office. The consultants will be responsible for the following tasks:

Task 1: Document analysis and inception report

  • Prepare and submit an inception report that includes the methodology, and work plan for producing the documents with quality and within the established deadlines;
  • Conduct a desk review of existing literature, including reports from state and non-state actors related to peace and security, including the National Plan on Women, Peace and Security;
  • Analyze how the Human Rights Approach and gender equality principles were, integrated into the interventions of the National Plan on Women, Peace and Security.
  • Conduct preliminary consultations with key actors for the implementation of the matrix on the WPS agenda at central, provincial and district levels.

Task 2: Data and information collection and analysis

  • Develop qualitative and quantitative data collection tools that are inclusive and gender sensitive.
  • Conduct consultations at the national, provincial and district levels to collect and analyze data and perspectives from various relevant actors regarding participation, prevention, protection and recovery under international commitments on women, peace and security.
  • Assess effectiveness and efficiency in achieving expected results, including the effectiveness of strategies to implement global commitments within national priorities, with a particular focus on innovative, scalable, and replicable interventions.
  • Assess the contextual factors that enabled or constrained the achievement of NAP 2018-2022 results, including management of financial resources.
  • Provide qualitative information through the development of 5 case studies/best practices (specifically on the 5 priority areas of the National Plan on Women, Peace, and Security

Task 3: Validation of preliminary findings

  • Prepare a preliminary report with conclusions, recommendations of the NAP 2018-2022 evaluation and proposed key elements to be taken into consideration in the following NAP II and share with key stakeholders.
  • Hold a one-day validation meeting with key stakeholders consulted, including members of the National Steering Committee, Women Peace, and Security Platform, civil society organizations, cooperation partners, and other stakeholders engaged in the WPS agenda at national and regional, provincial and district levels.

Task 4: Finalization and harmonization of Key Findings

  • Submit the final evaluation report of the National Plan on Women, Peace, and Security 2018-2022

Task 5: Elaboration of the second National Plan on Women Peace and Security (NAP II)

  • Draft the NAP II which includes a properly budgeted implementation matrix.
  • Present NAP II in a validation meeting with relevant stakeholders
  • Review and submit NAP and present as needed until final approval.

Task 6: Submission of a Technical and Financial Proposal for the implementation of the second National Plan on Women Peace and Security II

   Elaborate a technical and financial proposal that will serve as a resource mobilization tool to support the implementation of       NAP II

  • Submit the Technical and Financial Proposal to MGCAS and UN Women staff for inputs and considerations,
  • Review and submit final version for approval.

Duties and responsibilities of MGCAS/UN WOMEN:

  • Provide to/to consultants the relevant background materials for the work.
  • Facilitate consultations/meetings between the consultants and relevant stakeholders.


Final Products


# Expected Products

Delivery Date 


Products 1

Initial report with the consultant’s work plan. The report should contain relevant information such as the proposed methods, the data collection procedure, the schedule of the task matrix, background information    










Desk review (including the final list of interview questions) and approved list of key informants, as well as a desk review of all relevant literature and sources.

Product 2

Development of data collection instruments (Qualitative and Quantitative)

Summary of data collection and interviews conducted 



Product 3

Report on the preliminary findings and recommendations of the NAP 2018-2022 Evaluation, and key elements of NAP II.


Validation workshop – Preparation of the agenda and PowerPoint presentation of the conclusions, lessons learned, good practices and recommendations, and areas of proposals for NAP II






Product 4

Incorporation of feedback and recommendations from the validation workshop.

Final evaluation report



Product 5

NAP II Validation Workshop





National Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security elaborated with reference to the existing international standards

Product 6

Submission of a Technical and Financial Proposal for the implementation of the second National Plan on Women Peace and Security




Qualifications: Lead National Consultant (1).

Master’s degree or equivalent in gender/women’s studies, peace studies, international development, conflict studies, law, access to justice, social sciences, human rights or related field

Professional Experience

  • At least 10 years of progressively responsible experience in conflict prevention and peacebuilding programming, training and/or analysis, with significant experience in integrating gender into analysis processes.
  • Sound knowledge of the women, peace and security agenda and its normative frameworks,
  • Proven experience in research and analysis in the fields of gender, development, peace and security, and proven publications.
  • Knowledge and experience in qualitative and quantitative research, data collection and analysis, and evaluation of national plans;
  • Experience in public policy analysis, planning and implementation of programs related to women, peace, and security.
  • Experience in drafting National and/or sectoral Strategies and/or Plans related to gender equality.
  • Experience working with national institutions, development partners including women’s organizations and groups and UN agencies.
  • Experience in drafting and developing technical and financial proposals for implementation of National Plans,
  • Cultural sensitivity and understanding of the diverse realities of women in conflict and post-conflict contexts.
  • Demonstrated excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
  • Ability to work autonomously and meet tight deadlines.

Language requirements:

              Fluency in Portuguese and English.

              Knowledge of local languages is an advantage.


Qualifications: National Consultant (2).

Bachelor’s  degree in gender/women’s studies, peace studies, international development, conflict studies, law, access to justice, social sciences, human rights or related fields

Professional Experience

  • At least 7 years of progressively responsible experience in conflict prevention and peacebuilding programming, training and/or analysis, with significant experience in integrating gender into analysis processes.
  • Sound knowledge of the women, peace and security agenda and its normative frameworks,
  • Proven experience in research and analysis in the fields of gender, development, peace and security, and proven publications.
  • Knowledge and experience in qualitative and quantitative research, data collection and analysis, and evaluation of national plans;
  • Experience in public policy analysis, planning and implementation of programs related to women, peace, and security.
  • Experience in drafting National and/or sectoral Strategies and/or Plans related to gender equality
  • Experience working with national institutions, development partners including women’s organizations and groups and UN agencies.
  • Cultural sensitivity and understanding of the diverse realities of women in conflict and post-conflict contexts.
  • Demonstrated excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
  • Ability to work autonomously and meet tight deadlines.
  • Language requirements:
  • Fluency in Portuguese and English.
  • Knowledge of local languages is an advantage

Language requirements:

Fluency in Portuguese and English.

Knowledge of local languages is an advantage.


The duration of the contract is 60 working days from July 2023 to September 2023.


UN Women is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Persons belonging to minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are also encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the utmost confidentiality


Chef.fe de sous-délégation – H/F, July 2023 – NGO Jobs

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