
UN WOMEN Jobs – 112948


As part of its strategy to strengthen the national road network, the Government of Cameroon engaged its technical and financial partners to finance the Transport Sector Support Programme – Phase III: Construction of the Ring Road.

The project entails the construction/rehabilitation of the Ring Road from Bamenda to Nkambe; stretching along the Nigerian border. The Ring Road covers five Divisions in the Northwest Region and will link Bamenda, Ndop, Kumbo, Nkambe, Wum, Bafut and Bamenda.

Because of the economic potential of this stretch of road, its construction will improve agricultural development given the highly fertile soils, promote eco-tourism and facilitate trade with Nigeria.

Within the framework of its Cooperation Programme with Cameroon, the African Development Bank (ADB) which is the main funder of this project, has focused on the improvement of road connections to open up production and trading zones within Cameroon and with other countries in the Sub-Region, with special attention to gender issues.

The ADB’s 2014 – 2018 Gender Strategy set an objective of promoting gender mainstreaming in investments and development projects. This Gender project along the road under construction is therefore in line with the components of pillars 1 and 2 of this Gender strategy[1] and aims to: (i) use infrastructure to promote gender equality, (ii) increase the productivity of women farmers and facilitate their integration into the market, ((iii) strengthen technical training in science and technology.

When developing the project, the ADB’s vision is in line with the Cameroon government’s development policy, as outlined in its Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (GESP) in force during the project’s development, and in which Cameroon committed to ensuring the reduction of gender inequalities and the promotion of equal opportunities between women and men, particularly in the economic and employment spheres, as set out in the NDS30.

The project is also in line with the Cameroon’s National Gender Policy and is perfectly aligned with UN Women’s strategic priorities on Women’s Economic Empowerment and the promotion of women’s entrepreneurship. It also contributes to the achievement of MDG5.

It is within this context that the Government, through the Ministry of Public Works (MINTP), entrusted to  UN Women the implementation of the project ” ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN LIVING ALONG THE RING ROAD : BAMENDA-NDOP-KUMBO-NKAMBE-WUM-BAFUT-BAMENDA”, with the aim of building and providing socio-economic infrastructure for women living along the road under construction, so that they can benefit from the impact of the road in terms of improved family income, social resilience, protection and promotion of their rights, and participation in the sustainable and integral development of the area.

– The agreement between MINTP and UN Women focuses on:

– Conducting a study on the economic situation of women in the main economic sectors in the project’s area of influence;

– Strengthening the organisational, technical and entrepreneurial skills of women’s groups, in order to empower them and give them equitable access to basic services and infrastructure;

– Strengthening the capacities of local supervisory structures to guarantee appropriate support/advice in mastering the value chains for each of the selected production sectors;

– Supplying production inputs and equipment to alleviate the arduousness of domestic and production work for the benefit of women;

– Supporting the construction of basic community infrastructure, in particular multi-purpose units, storage warehouses and conservation and processing units, and gender sensitive markets (defining specifications, preparing tender documents, monitoring constructions, setting up management committees, etc.);

– Building the capacity of women producers to access growth markets;

– Other Services that are envisaged, include acquiring motorbikes, organizing fairs and setting up a digital information and sales platform.

As part of the effective launch of project activities, UN Women is recruiting an International Consultant to carry out a socio-economic study of the current situation of men and women living along the Ring Road.

The Consultant will work under the supervision of the International Consultant with whom he/she will work in close collaboration and under the general supervision of the Resident Representative of UN Women and the technical supervision of the Economic Empowerment Expert. The pair of consultants will propose a methodology, work plan and budget, that will be discussed before the start of the assignment on the field.

The proposed approach should enable the production in the short-term, of relevant information needed to support the efficient and effective implementation of the project for strengthening women’s economic empowerment along the road project and facilitate the reporting of progress through relevant indicators for both the donor and the UN Women’s Economic Empowerment Program.


[1] Pillar 1: Legal status and property rights; Pillar 2: Economic empowerment; Pillar 3: Knowledge management and capacity building


Adjoint.e technique au Coordonnateur de l’Unité Opérationnelle du Programme Fonds Mondial VIH et TB, July 2023 – NGO Jobs

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