
UN WOMEN Jobs – 112945


A.UN Women Organizational Context

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. UN Women provides support to Member States’ efforts and priorities in meeting their gender equality goals and for building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.

UN Women Uganda Country Office is implementing its Programme based on the Strategic Note (SN) 2022 – 2025 which was approved by the Deputy Executive Director of UN Women in 2021. The SN outlines the overall strategy and plan of action for UN Women Uganda Country office for the years 2022-2025. It includes a Development Results Framework (DRF) and the Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency (OEE), with expected results and targets/ indicators/ baselines. The 2022-2025 SN was designed to consolidate the gains of the previous SN (2016-2021), while expanding further and addressing the emerging challenges in Uganda, such as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UN Women Uganda Country Office SN is aligned to the SDGs, NDPIII 2020/21-2024/25 and the UNSDCF 2021-2025 for Uganda. The programme incorporates the strategic direction and focus given by the UN Women Global Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and global frameworks. The SN is fully aligned to the 3-strategic priorities of the UNSDCF with the following following outcome areas: (1) Inclusive and accountable governance and women’s access to Justice; (2) Increased protection of women’s rights, gender responsive peace and security; (3) Increased productivity, income and access to resources for women and girls; (4) Vulnerable women mitigate and adapt to climate change & Disaster Risk Reduction; (5) Women & girls enjoy quality basic social and protection services; and (6) gender equality and women rights fulfilled in a culturally responsive environment.

B.Objectives & Scope of the SN Mid Term Review

Under UN Women’s policies and procedures in relation to Programme management, a mid-term review (MTR) is mandatory for Programmes of at least three years duration. The SN MTR is NOT meant to be an evaluation and hence should focus more on a strategic reflection of UN Women’s work and progress rather than an in-depth analysis. The MTR will be contextualized in the context of UN Women’s work which is part of the UN Country Team’s work in Uganda that in turn aligns with the national government’s vision and plans.

The objectives of the MTR of UN-Women Uganda’s SN are as follows:

  1. To analyse and reflect on the progress of the 2022-25 programme, operations, and the validity of UN-Women’s strategy in Uganda.
  2. To re-examine the Strategic Note Theory of Change for each of the six outcomes areas

       3.To examine the context, noting national developments and how these have changed since SN was adopted

       4.To check in on key management issues, such as availability of data and evidence to allow informed and credible analysis of performance, risk management and the ‘evaluability’ of the programme.

       5.To serve as an early launching point for the subsequent process of developing a new UNSDCF and SN for the forthcoming cycle.


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