UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.
About the Programme
The Malawi Women’s Resilience to Disasters (WRD) Project is an 18-month project that aims at initiating and providing a comprehensive package of services to strengthen women’s resilience to natural disasters and threats, including climate change, contributing to sustainable, secure, and thriving communities in disaster prone districts in Malawi. The objective of the WRD project in Malawi is to (i) support the development and adoption of gender-responsive decision-making and governance systems on DRR, and (ii) enable targeted action to build the resilience of women and girls. The project will be implemented in three disasters prone districts that were heavily hit by Tropical Cyclone Freddy: Zomba, Blantyre and Phalombe. To achieve this, the project will address the three main dimensions of disaster risk reduction (1) exposure to hazards and vulnerability, 2) capacity and 3) hazard’s characteristics) focused on the outcomes below:
Outcome 1: Ministries of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Local Government, Natural Resources and Climate Change and the Department of Disaster Management Affairs [DoDMA] in Malawi use prevention, preparedness and recovery policy frameworks, systems, processes, and tools, which are gender-responsive and implemented as a result of local women’s and girls’ advocacy.
Outcome 2: Women and girls have voice and agency and access to resilience services to withstand multiple hazards, recover from disasters, and increase their resilience to future crisis
The project will directly target 15,000 underprivileged and vulnerable women and girls including the elderly, those living with disability and single mothers. The project will focus on; increasing and consolidating the knowledge and evidence base for the gender dimensions of risk; building women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction and resilience building, including the capacity of women’s organizations to advocate, lead, and engage; supporting capacity development for gender-responsive frameworks (e.g. policies, plans, strategies, plans), including the national development and implementation of the Gender Action Plan for the Sendai Framework (expected to be developed and launched after the global Gender Action Plan launch in March 2024); supporting inclusive and gender-responsive preparedness and early warning systems; building partnerships for women on climate and disaster resilient businesses and livelihoods; identifying innovative climate and disaster resilient livelihood and business opportunities for women and enhancing capacity for women on climate and disaster resilient businesses and livelihoods.
The Humanitarian and DRR Specialist will oversee the development of Humanitarian programmes, provide capacity building to Humanitarian section, establish and strengthen partnerships, and develop relevant knowledge products on Humanitarian.