
UN WOMEN Jobs – 104751



The ESARO Strategic note is built upon the contextual analysis and key regional challenges coupled with the findings and recommendations of reviews, evaluations and lessons learned. Rooted in the Secretary General’s Human Rights Call to Action and building on UN Women’s triple mandate, its convening power and influence, ESARO seeks to refine its comparative advantage as a catalyst for accelerating change through deepening partnerships, co-creating knowledge and gender data, mobilizing resources, and coordinating efforts toward an environment where: 1) women and girls are safe, their voices heard and make informed choices, and 2.) regional entities advance women’s human rights, reduce patriarchal barriers of discrimination and create equal opportunities for women and girls in their diversity. The ESARO strategic note aims to fulfil this vision by focusing on five regional priorities that address different dimensions of change:

  1. Sustained engagements with duty-bearers to be more accountable for financing and implementation of gender commitments (systemic change)
  2. Enabling safe spaces and convening platforms to coalesce rights holders to hold duty bearers accountable (relational level change)
  3. Strengthening partnerships and efforts on evidence-based approaches to transform harmful behaviours and practices that perpetuate gender stereotypes and inequalities (social and cultural change)
  4. Making the connection between action and results through gender data, research and analysis (knowledge for change)
  5. Advancing GEWE accountability through effective coordination of UN regional mechanisms and platforms (peer influence change)

Objectives of the assignment:

During the development of the Strategic Note, ESARO team established baselines for some of the indicators. The purpose of this assignment is to validate the identified baselines and establish the status where gaps exist.  The objective of the baseline assessment will be to determine quantitatively and qualitatively the current situation in relation to the main outcomes of the Strategic Note.

The baseline assessment will provide the indicator benchmarks on which any changes and progress resulting from ESARO interventions will be measured.


Communications and Information Management Specilaist, March 2022 – NGO Jobs

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