
UN WOMEN Jobs – 104129


The key objective of the assignment is to provide technical assistance and specialist services on Women and Girls Access Justice through Effective, Accountable and Gender-Responsive Institutions program.

I.   Scope of Work/Duties and Responsibilities

Under overall guidance of the Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Specialist, the consultant supports the implementation of the Women and Girls Access Justice through Effective, Accountable and Gender-Responsive Institutions program. Specifically, the consultant is expected to:

  • Work with Judiciary to organise at least 7 capacity building trainings for a cross section staff from judiciary
  • Lead the process of onboarding and supporting the work of 5 critical consultants under the access to justice project and follow up on the deliverables within the agreed timeframes
  • Conduct quarterly monitoring missions to the 11 centres of excellence


II.   Duties and Responsibilities of the Consultant

Task 1: Support implementation of key capacity building activities according to the agreed timelines

  • Undertake 1 quarterly baraza in each of the 7 Chief Magisterial areas in the centres of excellence on GBV
  • Undertake 5 mentorship and supervision sessions for administrative and frontline staff to ensure functionality and accountability of the special court system
  • Organise 4 open court days in 4 High Court Circuits on GBV in the Centres of Excellence
  • Support advocacy actions within the context of this task area.
  • Coordinate the following trainings:
    1. Judicial officers on survivor centred support and management of victims in handling GBV Cases
    2. Clerks and court interpreters in sign language and court interpretation services
    3. Court interpreters and administrative staff of courts,
    4. Medical workers on medical examination of SGBV cases
    5. JLOS Gender Task Force, PPUs, Gender focal point persons District Coordination Committees, Chain Linked Advisory Board, Regional Coordination Committees on the JLOS Gender Strategy
    6. Police personnel of Kigezi and East Kyoga Police Regions on handling and submission of the Forensic Exhibits in SGBV cases
    7. Informal justice actors in Magisterial areas in target districts on the specialised GBV service delivery system

Task II: Lead the process of onboarding 5 critical consultants under the access to justice project and follow up on the deliverables within the agreed timeframes

Develop and refine ToR for the various consultancies as well as follow up on the deliverables within the agreed timeframes

  1. Finalise the following ToR:
    • Detailed and concrete service delivery standards and procedures covering all the steps towards delivering quality integrated justice services throughout the Special Service Delivery and Accountability Systems/ Special court
    • Develop Gender Monitoring Guidelines for District Chain Linked Committees
    • Develop, translate, and disseminate GBV survivors guide to the criminal justice system


      2. Develop the following ToR:

  • Undertaking a cost benefit analysis of establishing special courts for GBV
  • Development of a checklist for assessing quality standards and holding actors accountable to make it gender and equity and oversee pretesting the updated check list in the 11 centres of excellence on a quarterly basis

      3. Support the consultancy on development of a costed strategy on an institutionalised specialist justice system for effective management of            GBV cases and the critical five consultancies with the following:

  • Organise relevant documents for the consultants
  • Lead the scheduling appointments for consultations for consultants’
  • Review and ensure quality deliverables from consultancies to be undertaken during the project lifespan
  • Working with relevant JLOS institutions, civil society and other stakeholder to conduct validation meetings for key outputs for the consultancies
  • Organise paperwork for processing payments for consultants in a timely manner


Task III: Conduct quarterly monitoring support missions to the 11 centres of excellence

  • Conduct 3day monitoring missions to each of the 11 centers of excellence
  • Coordinate the participation of ADA and UN Women in the monitoring missions


III.   Duration of the assignment

The total duration of the contract assignment will be a total of approximately 120 working days on a full-time basis, between March and August 2022.

Reporting and performance evaluation will also be carried out on a monthly basis. In addition, halfway through the assignment the consultant will be assessed for quality and timeliness of the following deliverables:

  1. ToR developed for the 5 consultancies and onboarding of consultants
  2. Key findings from the monitoring mission to at least 5 centers of excellence
  3. 3 inception reports that have been reviewed
  4. 3 training reports


Expected Deliverables

The consultant is expected to deliver the following results and ensure that related reports are presented as and when due:


Key Task



Approximate number of days



Support implementation of key capacity building activities according to the agreed timelines


a) 1 quarterly baraza’s in 7 Chief Magisterial areas in the 11 centres of excellence

14 days (1 days for travel and 1 day for the baraza

March-April 2022

b) Undertake 5 mentorship and supervision sessions for administrative and frontline staff to ensure functionality and accountability of the specialised justice system for effective management of GBV cases

10 days (2 days for each session)


April-May 2022


c) Organise 4 open court days in 4 High Court Circuits in the Centres of Excellence

12 days (including 8 days of travel to and from the centres)

March-April 2022


d) Coordinate the following trainings:

  1. judicial officers on survivor centred support and management of victims in handling GBV Cases
  2. clerks and court interpreters in sign language and court interpretation services
  3. court interpreters and administrative staff of courts,
  4. medical workers on medical examination of SGBV cases
  5. JLOS Gender Task Force, PPUs, Gender focal point persons District Coordination Committees, Chain Linked Advisory Board, Regional Coordination Committees on the JLOS Gender Strategy
  6. Police personnel of Kigezi and East Kyoga Police Regions on handling and submission of the Forensic Exhibits in SGBV cases
  7. Informal justice actors in Magisterial areas in target districts on the specialised GBV service delivery system


14 days (2 days for coordinating each Training)

March-June 2022



Develop and refine ToR for the various consultancies as well as follow up on the deliverables within the agreed timeframes


        a)  3 ToRs Finalised for 3 consultancies.

  1. Service delivery standards and procedures covering all the steps towards delivering quality integrated justice services throughout the Special Service Delivery and Accountability Systems/ Special court
  2. Gender Monitoring Guidelines for District Chain Linked Committees
  3. Development, translate and disseminate GBV survivors guide to the criminal justice system

6 days (3 days per ToR)


March 2022


       b)  3 ToRs Finalised for 3 consultancies.

  1. Service delivery standards and procedures covering all the steps towards delivering quality integrated justice services throughout the Special Service Delivery and Accountability Systems/ Special court
  2. Gender Monitoring Guidelines for District Chain Linked Committees
  3. Development, translate and disseminate GBV survivors guide to the criminal justice system

6 days (3 days per ToR)


March 2022


       c)   2 new ToRs developed for 2                     Consultancies:

  1. Undertaking a cost benefit analysis of establishing special courts for GBV
  2. Development of a checklist for assessing quality standards and holding actors accountable to make it gender and equity and oversee pretesting the updated check list in the 11 centres of excellence on a quarterly basisReport for this deliverable

9 days (3 days per ToR)


June 2022


     d)   Support the consultancy on           development of a costed strategy on an     institutionalised specialist justice system for     effective management of GBV cases and the     critical five consultancies with the following:

  1. Review inception reports for 6 consultancies
  2. Organise documents and scheduled appoints for consultants for the 6 consultancies
  3. Review detailed reports for the 6 consultancies
  4. Organise and participate in validation meetings for 6 consultancies
  5. Report for this deliverable




  1. 6 days (1 day each)

      2. 12 days (2 day each)

      3. 12 days (2 day each)

      4. 6 days (1 day each)







March-August 2022


Conduct quarterly monitoring missions to 7 the 11 centres of excellence

Monitoring mission reports

21 days (3 days including 1 day for travel for each monitoring mission to the 11 centres of excellence)

March-August 2022


Provide administrative and technical support to the project

Minutes of the following meetings:

  1. ADA monthly progress updates
  2. Judiciary monthly progress updates
  3. Quarterly progress reports and program assessment reports for liquidation
  4. Talking points for all activities where UN Women and ADC representation is required
  5. Report for this deliverable

10 days (0.5 days per month for updates and 2 days for talking points for ADC and UN Women SMT)

March-August 2022


Final report capturing all work undertaken under UN Women.

Final Report with details of outcomes achieved. Report should provide details on:

  • Brief Descriptions of Deliverables undertaken
  • Results/Outcomes achieved
  • Lessons Learnt/Gaps and areas for strengthening.
  • Recommendations for UN Women

(Note: Reports for all deliverables will also follow similar format

4 days

10 days before end of Contract


IV.   Report Writing

All the documents and reports should be written and submitted in  English language. Upon receipt of the deliverables and prior to the payment of the instalment, the deliverables, related reports and documents will be reviewed by EVAWG Program Specialist and approved by UN Women within two weeks of submission.


V.   Inputs

  • UN Women will cover the costs of daily subsistence allowance (DSA) for areas within the country as per standard UN rate, as per UN Women regulations, for all approved official travel.
  • The consultant is expected to work using her/his own computer and other means of communications but may access the UN Women office for printing of relevant documents or should he/she be required to work on-site at any point during the assignment.
  • UN Women will provide transport in the field only, consultant is expected to arrange own transport within Kampala.


VI.   Performance evaluation:

Contractor’s performance will be evaluated based on timeliness, responsibility, initiative, communication, accuracy, and quality of the products delivered.



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