
Through the storm: Dr. Addisalem’s story


In Bahirdar, a town on the edge of the stunning Lake Tana, Dr Addisalem Yilma Tefera stands as a pillar of dedication. As the WHO Bahirdar Hub Coordinator, she has taken on the immense responsibility of coordinating WHO supported health activities in the Amhara and Benishangul-Gumuz regions, a role that is crucial in the face of multiple public health emergencies. 

Amhara region is currently besieged by multiple public health emergencies, including cholera, malaria, and other vaccine-preventable diseases, compounded by ongoing conflict. The challenges are immense, with damaged or looted facilities, a significant shortage of health workers, and medical supplies. Dr. Addisalem’s role involves strategically guiding the response to these crises. Together with her team, she works tirelessly to support the local health system, focusing mainly on areas most vulnerable to outbreaks, such as the Holy Water site, refugee camps, and Internal Displaced People (IDP) settlements.

“During times of crisis, the health system is often stretched to its limits. Facilities may be damaged or looted, health workers are in short supply, and there are often significant shortages of medical supplies,” Dr. Addisalem explains. “By anticipating these challenges and planning for possible public health emergencies, we work to reduce the challenges on our people.”

WHO in its role to support government effort has strongly emphasized rapid response, assigning surge teams to critical areas and closely monitoring the situation on the ground. This enables early detection of disease outbreaks and intervention.

Dr. Addisalem’s journey is not without its challenges. One particularly trying moment came in August 2023, just a month into her tenure, when a crisis in the region led to a disruption in internet services. This hampered communication with WHO Country Office and complicated efforts to manage a cholera outbreak in West Gondar, significantly delaying the response. Road blockages and restrictions further impeded the delivery of essential medical supplies and support to health workers on the front lines.

Despite these challenges, Dr. Addisalem remains undeterred. A profound sense of duty and compassion fuels her deep commitment to her work. “As a woman and leader, it brings me great satisfaction to know that I am helping those who need it most,” she shares. Her role in overcoming challenges during the cholera outbreak in July 2023 was pivotal. She mobilized the surge team, airlifted essential medical supplies, and assigned teams to ensure epidemic preparedness and response. With a hands-on approach, she communicated daily with her teams, strengthening emergency services in the Amhara region, and contributing to saving lives and maintaining health services.Her motivation is further strengthened by the dedication of her colleagues at WHO. “The commitment of the WHO team to supporting the region inspires me every day. It’s not just about coordinating efforts; it’s about being part of a larger mission to make a real difference in people’s lives,” she adds.

Dr. Addisalem is also deeply grateful for the support that makes her work possible. “

I want to thank the government leadership and the healthcare workers who are working tirelessly in these challenging situations to save lives. Their dedication is truly remarkable and central to the progress we are making. Without their steadfast commitment, our efforts would not have an impact,” she says.

“I am also deeply grateful to the donors and other partners for their continued support.

Dr. Addisalem’s journey powerfully reminds us of the impact one person can have in the face of overwhelming challenges. Her story is one of resilience, a testament to the human spirit, and an unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of the people of the Amhara region.


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