
Tech events in Africa 2021 – Techgist Africa

[] Tech events in Africa 2021 – Techgist Africa | Africa Leading Tech News, Reviews and Tips -1; } /* Disable tracking if the opt-out cookie exists. */ if ( __gaTrackerIsOptedOut() ) { window[disableStr] = true; } /* Opt-out function */ function __gaTrackerOptout() { document.cookie = disableStr + ‘=true; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2099 23:59:59 UTC; path=/’; window[disableStr] = true; } if ( ‘undefined’ === typeof gaOptout ) { function gaOptout() { __gaTrackerOptout(); } } if ( mi_track_user ) { (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,’script’,’//’,’__gaTracker’); __gaTracker(‘create’, ‘UA-143077592-1’, ‘auto’); __gaTracker(‘set’, ‘forceSSL’, true); __gaTracker(‘require’, ‘displayfeatures’); __gaTracker(‘send’,’pageview’); } else { console.log( “” ); (function() { /* */ var noopfn = function() { return null; }; var noopnullfn = function() { return null; }; var Tracker = function() { return null; }; var p = Tracker.prototype; p.get = noopfn; p.set = noopfn; p.send = noopfn; var __gaTracker = function() { var len = arguments.length; if ( len === 0 ) { return; } var f = arguments[len-1]; if ( typeof f !== ‘object’ || f === null || typeof f.hitCallback !== ‘function’ ) { console.log( ‘Not running function __gaTracker(‘ + arguments[0] + ” ….) because you are not being tracked. ” + mi_no_track_reason ); return; } try { f.hitCallback(); } catch (ex) { } }; __gaTracker.create = function() { return new Tracker(); }; __gaTracker.getByName = noopnullfn; __gaTracker.getAll = function() { return []; }; __gaTracker.remove = noopfn; window[‘__gaTracker’] = __gaTracker; })(); } ]]>
Here are some of the top tech events taking place in 2021:
28 January: Digital Retail Forum, Online
22-26 February: Southern African Conference for Artificial Intelligence Research: South Africa
24-25 February: FinBank Innovation Conference & Expo: Rwanda
4 March: Lagos 2021 Digital Transformation Summit:  Nigeria
18-19 March: Blockchain Africa Conference: South Africa
25 – 26 March: Internet of Things Forum Africa Exhibition: South Africa
01 April: The SA Innovation Summit: South Africa
June – Africa Tech Summit: Rwanda
29 June: Digital Transformation Congress: South Africa 
29 September: Digital Manufacturing Africa 2021: Online
5-7 October: EdTech Conference & Exhibition: Online 
21 – 23 October: Agile in Africa Conference: Ghana
26 October: Africa Tech Summit: United Kingdom
8-9 November:  Principles of IT Leadership: Online
8 – 12 November: Africa Tech Festival: South Africa
10-12 November: AfricaTech Festival: South Africa
22-23 November: Cybertech Africa: Rwanda.




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Tech Gist Africa

Tech Gist Africa

Tech Gist Africa is a new media and technology news platform that focuses on the untold stories of innovative ideas closely connected to technology news from Africa.

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Here are some of the top tech events taking place in 2021:rn
28 January: Digital Retail Forum, Onlinern
22-26 February: Southern African Conference for Artificial Intelligence Research: South Africarn
24-25 February: FinBank Innovation Conference & Expo: Rwandarn
4 March:u00a0Lagos 2021 Digital Transformation Summit:u00a0u00a0Nigeriarn
18-19 March: Blockchain Africa Conference:u00a0South Africarn
25 – 26 March: Internet of Things Forum Africa Exhibition: South Africarn
01 April: The SA Innovation Summit: South Africarn
June – Africa Tech Summit: Rwandarn
29 June: Digital Transformation Congress:u00a0South Africau00a0rn
29 September: Digital Manufacturing Africa 2021:u00a0Onlinern
5-7 October:u00a0EdTech Conference & Exhibition:u00a0Onlineu00a0rn
21 – 23 October: Agile in Africa Conference:u00a0Ghanarn
26 October: Africa Tech Summit: United Kingdomrn
8-9 November:u00a0 Principles of IT Leadership:u00a0Onlinern
8 – 12 November: Africa Tech Festival: South Africarn
10-12 November: AfricaTech Festival: South Africarn
22-23 November:u00a0Cybertech Africa:u00a0Rwanda.rn




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