
Research and analysis of Zambian Collaborative Management Partnerships (CMPs), May 2022 – NGO Jobs



As part of our efforts to facilitate greater investment in conservation and tourism in Zambia as a means to support inclusive economic growth, Prospero is in the process of signing an MOU with the Ministry of Tourism and Arts (MOTA) to provide technical assistance (TA) towards the development of a framework that will enable more effective Collaborative Management Partnerships (CMPs) and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) to be established in the country’s conservation and tourism sectors. The focus is on enhancing the investment environment to attract and mobilise new investment in CMPs from domestic and international sources. The implementation process for this TA package is likely to be informed and guided by a Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) consisting of several relevant government ministries and departments and supported by Prospero and several experts.

This specific assignment should contribute toward laying a stronger foundation for productive discussions around CMPs and related issues in Zambia by collecting data, summarising and analysing it and drawing a set of recommendations. These will be based on a clear understanding of how different kinds of CMP models have evolved in Zambia, and on the learning that has been generated from past (and ongoing) experience. This exercise will additionally provide a platform for considering the future direction of CMPs, a critical element given the sentiment within stakeholder groups about the valuable role that CMPs can play to support national development, conservation and environmental priorities. It will also help bridge gaps in awareness and trust, where misinformation and capacity/resource issues can leave would-be investors frustrated and disillusioned. The goal is to understand, and to realise, the full potential for development of more and better CMPs, with their downstream development impacts across economic, social and environmental dimensions.


Prospero would like to commission a research and analysis project that will enable stakeholders to quickly get up-to-speed and appreciate the potential of CMPs to deliver significant economic, social and environmental benefits.

The overall objective is to:

  • Support a common understanding and narrative for stakeholders around CMPs and the role they have played/are playing in Zambian conservation and tourism.
  • Provide a clear analysis of the process for how CMPs in Zambia have been developed and implemented.
  • Indicate what lessons can be taken forward in creation of a more streamlined and effective process for attracting CMP partners/investors in a best-practices context.


The consultant will undertake, at a minimum, the following activities to ensure that this assignment’s objective is achieved:

Briefly absorb background work that Prospero has done on CMPs and take it into context for this assignment.

Conduct a diagnostic of current CMPs in Zambia (including those of technical and financial assistance arrangements with DNPW over specific geographies, landscapes or protected areas), including:

  • Engaging relevant stakeholders to gather data, discuss key issues, challenges and successes in the discussion, negotiation, implementation and evaluation of CMPs. A clear outline of the process for how various CMPs have been developed and agreed is important.
  • Where possible, a high-level assessment (best estimate) of the results of CMPs in economic, social and environmental aspects over time (changes due to CMP adoption) and between protected areas that are under traditional management and those under CMP management.

Derive lessons on what can be learned from CMP past and current practice, and how these lessons can be taken forward to support creation of a coherent CMP Policy. This clearer, more streamlined framework will better enable the government to engage new, innovative and ethical investors (domestic and international) and bring them into Zambia’s conservation, tourism and environmental landscape.


– Inception report

– Presentation of decision framework tool and findings of diagnostic, lessons and recommendations

– Final report


  • Extensive familiarity with CMP models, their application and tourism development in Zambia
  • Extensive experience with natural resource management policy and practice in Zambia
  • Familiarity with and demonstrated access to CMP partners and stakeholders in Zambia
  • Proven experience successfully engaging with relevant Zambian government counterparts
  • Strong expertise in financial and technical analysis of CMPs
  • Proven ability to integrate economic, development and environmental factors into similar analysis
  • Familiarity with how tourism and conservation interact


  • Master’s level education in relevant discipline
  • More than 10 years of work experience within the natural resource management and/or environmental sector
  • Significant experience working with donor programmes
  • Familiarity with the conservation industry and CMPs across the wider African continent

How to apply


Interested parties intending to submit a proposal may request clarifications to the assignment terms of reference at any point up to seven days before the deadline for submission given below.

Potential service providers are required to submit proposals for this assignment comprising:

Technical proposal (no more than 6 pages) comprising:

  • Individual/corporate profile, highlighting relevant experience with specific references to past assignments
  • Understanding of the assignment and any comments/suggestions on the objectives, scope of work or deliverables
  • Methodology to deliver against the assignment objectives
  • Roles and names of key personnelCurriculum vitae for key personnel named in the proposal (no more than 2 pages per person)

Financial proposal (in a MS Excel compatible spreadsheet) showing:

  • Fees: Names and roles of individuals, number of days input, daily fee rates and total cost (gross of all taxes. Prospero will withhold and remit 15% of each invoice’s consultant fees to ZRA as per labour law for Zambian-registered firms/individuals. 20% for non-Zambian registered firms/individuals.)
  • Reimbursable expenses budget: Items of expenditure, definition of units, number of units required, maximum cost per unit, and maximum budget for each item of expenditure (Note: expenses will be reimbursed at cost, up to the maximum cost in the budget)
  • Proposed payment schedule: Payments on contracting, inputs and/or deliverables

Prospero may reject any proposal that does not comply with the required format at its sole discretion.

Potential service providers should submit their proposal electronically to: [email protected] by 30 November 2020.

*Please state *’CMP Research’** in the subject line.


Prospero will seek (but does not guarantee) to complete an evaluation of compliant proposals within ten days of the deadline for submission. The preferred bidder will be informed and invited to contract negotiations. If the contract negotiations with the preferred bidder are unsuccessful, Prospero may either:

  • cancel the request for proposals, or
  • identify an alternative preferred bidder based on the evaluation of the remaining proposals.

In any case, contract award will be subject to the standard Prospero due diligence assessment.


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