
Q&A: Grain SA CEO says SA consumers have access to the world’s cheapest grain


Business Day speaks to the CEO of the grain farmers’ organisation Grain SA, Tobias Doyer

21 June 2024 – 05:00

by Denene Erasmus

Maize meal remains a staple crop in SA and when grain prices increase, as was experienced globally after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it affects especially the most vulnerable people in society. However, SA’s status as a net maize exporter provides a degree of protection when international prices soar.

An El Niño-driven drought in SA and other parts of Southern Africa affected grain harvests this season. While some of SA’s neighbours to the north are facing shortages that will have to be met with imports, SA will still produce sufficient maize to meet local demand despite the crop being about 15% smaller than in 2023. ..


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