We are excited to announce the launch of the South African National Location System App, or SANLOC. Available for free on Google Play & Apple App store: https://sanloc.co.za/app/
What is it?
Do you have trouble finding a house or business due to a lack of street names or maps? Do you understand GPS coordinates (-33.926689, 18.418764)? The SANLOC App solves these problems. Users can generate geo-postcodes which can be used instead of GPS coordinates. The App facilitates look-ups of others users’ codes which are displayed on the app’s map, and can also be used for navigation
I know what you thinking. Aren’t there already many systems like this? We believe that our focus on the creation of a system for South Africa sets us apart.
SANLOC codes are language agnostic, in fact it doesn’t require any reading or writing skills. Anybody with basic knowledge of the alphabet can use it.
The SANLOC code prefixes correspond to towns and cities which provides easy regional recognition. Here is an example: C1A-1001
The first letter combination refers to the towns and city, in this case C for Cape Town. This is followed by two numbers or a number-letter combination which refers to an area or neighbourhood, in this case 1A is Cape Town Centre, followed by a number which represents the location.
The Code can be used by itself or be added to an existing address.
Conscious of phone ownership expense, our app is as compact as possible to allow it to be used on as many phones as possible. We also tried to conserve data usage as far as possible.
Other features?
The app comes with a built-in address book. When generating a code, it will be saved there automatically for later use. You can also store other users’ code in there.
From the address book, codes can be shared in a web-link format via Social media, SMS, email, WhatsApp, etc., depending on your phone. These web-link looks something like this: https://sanloc.co.za/my-code#C1A-1001. These links will display the location in the SANLOC app’s map view on the recipient’s phone.
We have completed our soft-launch. We are now opening up the service to everyone in South Africa. The App is available on the Play and Apple App store. Search for SANLOC or follow the links below:
We invite small businesses and guest houses to obtain their location codes, and add it to their website. We believe it will help generate more sales and build a stronger economy for South Africa. Special developer’s resources pages are available for constructing suggested html tags for these links. https://sanloc.co.za/resources/