
MTN Group Announces Changes to Corporate Structure and Appoints new Executives – Techgist Africa


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MTN Group recently concluded a comprehensive group strategy review, focused on accelerating growth, deleveraging the holding company debt, and unlocking value.

Further disclosure on the revisions will be made on the release of MTN’s 2020 full-year results in March 2021.

Ms. Tsholofelo Molefe was also announced as the new Group Chief Financial Officer (GCFO) having previously served as GCFO of Telkom since 2018 as well as Chief Risk Officer and Deputy CFO, she is expected to assume the new position soon but not later than 1st October 2021.

Regional activities of the MTN group were not left out in the revised strategies as MTN Ghana is said to become a member of the West and Central Africa (WECA) region while MTN’s Southern and East Africa and Ghana (SEAGHA) region will be known as the Southern and East Africa (SEA) region with effect from January 1st, 2021.

Other appointments that were announced are Mr. Ebenezer Asante as the new WECA Vice President, Ms. Yolanda Cuba as the new SEA Vice President, Mr. Serigne Dioum as the new Group Chief Digital and Fintech Officer, and Mr. Kholekile Ndamase as the new Group Chief Mergers and Acquisition and Business Development Officer.

The new executive appointments also follow the announcements made in October 2020 of Karl Toriola as CEO designate of MTN Nigeria and Ferdi Moolman’s appointment to the new exco role of Group Chief Risk Officer, both effective from 1st March 2021.

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