
Local Evaluations Expert (Re-advertized), February 2021 – NGO Jobs


Vacancy for Short Term Consultancy


USAID/Ethiopia Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Service (EPMES) Activity, Ethiopia

Social Impact (SI) is a US- based international development management consulting firm. SI’s mission is to improve the effectiveness of international development programs in improving people’s lives. We provide a full range of management consulting, technical assistance, and training services to strengthen international development programs, organizations, and policies. We provide services globally in the areas of monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning, project and program design, organizational capacity building, and gender and social analysis.


USAID/Ethiopia Democracy & Governance (DG) Office intends to conduct a performance evaluation of the Sustaining Dialogue in Ethiopian Campuses (SD) Activity. The evaluation looks at the design and implementation of the SD activity as well as results achieved. This evaluation will

  1. Examine the overall progress of the SD activity in meeting the project goal and objective specifically how it affected behavior in and outside the university campus
  2. Review, analyze and evaluate the design, effectiveness, and sustainability of the SD project
  3. Provide specific recommendations for future activities and directions that the Mission may wish to explore regarding peace building/conflict mitigation and management in Ethiopian universities.

Position Description:

        1. Local Evaluation Experts


The local experts, in consultation with the team leader and the evaluation specialist, will be responsible for conducting the evaluation, ensuring the timeliness and quality of deliverables. The local experts’ responsibilities include but is not limited to desk review of project materials, design of evaluation framework, development of evaluation instruments and tools, data collection, data analysis and report as well as presentation of the evaluation report.


The local experts should have a minimum of Master’s degree in Peace & Security Studies, Conflict Resolution, Political Science, Law or relevant social science field.

Experience and skills

S/he should have at least 5 years work experience in dialogue processes, peace building or conflict mitigation in Ethiopia and conducted at least two similar evaluations.

The local expert should have experience with youth-led dialogue processes or youth as agents for change in peace processes at the local level. S/he must have knowledge and practical experience of conflict analysis, conflict drivers and interventions on the major causes of conflict with students in Ethiopian universities as well as understanding of Ethiopia’s conflict management policies, strategies and priorities and conflict dynamics in Ethiopian universities. The local expert must have strong communication skills, and sufficient experience with evaluation standards and practices to ensure a credible product. The Ethiopian experts should also be proficient in English and fluent in Amharic. Fluency/proficiency in other widely spoken Ethiopian languages is strongly desired.


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