
Limpopo Day at Expo 2020 Dubai #ThinkSouthAfrica #ThinkOpportunities


The participation of Limpopo at Expo 2020 Dubai is a big milestone in the investment promotion endeavours of the province. Expo 2020 Dubai features opportunities for trade and investment from across the globe to provide investment managers diversified choices for investment, networking and exposure to new investment locations in the Global Village.

Sharing borders with Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana and Eswatini, Limpopo Province is situated strategically as a gateway to the rest of the African continent.

Limpopo Day at Expo 2020 Dubai (8 February 2022) offers the ideal opportunity to promote the various investment projects and prospects in the province. It comes ‘hot on the heels’ of the Limpopo Investment Conference that took place a few weeks ago, where the province showcased its rich minerals, agricultural and tourism sector opportunities to the world, and the return on investment on their value chains.

Limpopo Day at Expo 2020 Dubai will feature a high level delegation led by Member of the Executive Council, MEC Thabo Mokone, who is responsible for the portfolio of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), and who would be flanked by senior government officials; the Head of Department (LEDET), Mr Mathodzi Rathumbu, the CEO of Musina Makhado Special Economic Zone, Mr Lehlogolnolo Masoga, Executive of the proposed Fetakgomo Tubatse Special Economic Zone, Mr Solly Kgopong, the program moderator, Dr Alex Mashilo and a host of panelist with specialization in various fields within commerce and industry.

At 9:30 on the morning of 8 February, the MEC will deliver the opening remarks, followed by an overview of the economic landscape of the province, delivered by the Head of Department. The Chief Executive Officer of Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone (MMSEZ) and the Executive Manager of the proposed Fetakgomo-Tubatse Special Economic Zone (FTSEZ), will present to the world all the various investment opportunities, the progress being made and the prospects for investors.

Click here or scan the QR code below to join the live presentations at Expo 2020 Dubai!

Structured to include panel discussions, these presentations will provide economic writers, opinion makers and investment managers the scale of opportunities and prospects for return on those investment. It will cement Limpopo as a true and fast emerging destination for trade and investment.

Industrialization of the economy to achieve inclusive economic growth through mineral beneficiation, agro-processing, and renewable and alternative energy generation, is the ultimate goal of the province. Limpopo is ready for business!

Join the panel discussion to find out about opportunities in Limpopo.


The areas of discussions on Limpopo Day will focus on the following key areas of economic development for the two Special Economic Zones in the province.

Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone (MMSEZ)
  • Inbound/outbound logistics: MMSEZ can provide a platform for both types of activity.
  • Logistic services: MMSEZ can host a range of services such as freight forwarding, loading/unloading, inspection, storage, sorting, consolidating/bulk breaking, stuffing/destuffing, customs handling/clearance, documentation.
  • Warehousing: MMSEZ is a convenient location for warehousing for the storage of goods, whether incoming or outgoing. Bonded warehouses will allow goods to be cleaned, sorted or repacked under customs supervision.
  • Cold storage: South Africa is a major exporter of fresh fruit and vegetables. Their perishable nature demands reliable cold storage facilities and these can be located at MMSEZ’s north site.
  • Container yard/truck park/bonded yard for vehicle exports: the north site can also house a container yard, a truck park for transport vehicles and a bonded yard for vehicles awaiting export.
  • Fresh produce handling: the proximity to Limpopo’s main agricultural area, makes MMSEZ an excellent location to handle fresh produce for export or for local distribution in South Africa.
Fetakgomo-Tubatse Special Economic Zone (FTSEZ)

The proposed Fetakgomo-Tubatse Special Economic Zone (FTSEZ) offers investors variety of investment opportunities in the following key industrial sectors:

  • Mining and Mineral Beneficiation – PGM’s Chrome, Magnetite and Battery Minerals
  • Manufacturing – Machinery equipment and component used in mining operations
  • Renewable Energy – Hydrogen fuel cells, solar, battery, nuclear and biomass
  • Pharmaceutical and Medical – Production & distribution
  • Agriculture – Production and distribution
  • Automotive – Green Component Manufacturing
  • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) – Call Center

Join the Limpopo Day live presentations at Expo 2020 Dubai between 9:30 and 12:30 today!


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