America has officially announced to the world that, contrary to wide assumption, it is not a power in retreat. The liberals who have watched over the past four years as America disintegrated can no longer rely on progressives for a weak America.
American conservatives have been vindicated in their firm assertion that America continues to seek to lead the free world. It has been a difficult past four years for American conservatives, but now begins the journey towards the revival of the greatest idea in the history of the world — America.
From Israel to Japan and Botswana to Australia, America’s allies are buoyed at the prospect of a resurgent US President Donald Trump’s empathetic victory in America’s presidential elections is testament to the grit of the American spirit and perseverance.
To quote one of the most indomitable figures of our time: “Success is not final — failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” — Winston Churchill
Tumelo Ralinala
Via email
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