(Ecofin Agency) – The additional capacity is one of Liquid’s strategic moves to position itself as the main internet service provider in Africa. In March 2022, it had already acquired a fiber pair on Google’s Equiano.
Pan-African internet services provider Liquid Intelligent Technologies announced Wednesday (May 11), a partnership agreement with PEACE Cable Company. Under that agreement, Liquid will introduce 800 gigabytes of additional subsea capacity in Mombasa.
With its 100,000 kilometers of terrestrial fiber, Liquid will use the new capacity to improve the availability and quality of high-speed Internet connectivity across the continent. “While acting as a new global internet route between Asia, Europe, and the USA, the additional capacity will help increase the proliferation of faster and more affordable internet, Cloud, and cyber security services to the African people and businesses,” Liquid explains.
Thanks to the additional capacity, there will be an improved offering for redundancy and low latency (102 ms between Mombasa and Marseille).
The partnership comes some two months after Kenya was connected to PEACE, its sixth submarine fiber cable system. The introduction of additional capacity on the new cable is part of Liquid’s strategic moves to capture the African and global broadband connectivity market. In March 2022, it acquired a fiber pair on Google’s Equiano submarine cable to improve international connectivity in West and Southern Africa. With Kenya’s strategic position, it will be able to also serve East Africa as well as Asia, Europe, and the United States.
In Africa, Liquid has connected to several subsea cables apart from Equiano and PEACE. The additional cables are notably WACS, SAT3/SAFE, EASSy, TEAMS, SEACOM. It will also be connected to 2Africa soon.
“We are delighted to provide new subsea capacity between Mombasa, Karachi, and Marseille, with extensions planned towards Singapore and Asia. This creates a cost-effective, low-latency, and diverse route that our customers can leverage to serve their business-critical connectivity needs. The submarine cable will be ready in 2022,” says David Eurin (photo), CEO of Liquid Dataport (a division of Liquid Intelligent Technologies).
Isaac K. Kassouwi