
Jobs – 105801- Assistant Project Monitoring & Evaluation officer,


The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is the United Nations agency for human settlements that is mandated by UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for All and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11). UN-Habitat helps the urban poor and transforms cities into safer, healthier, greener places with better opportunities where everyone can live with dignity. It is also the lead agency within the UN system for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. UN-Habitat works with Member States and Development Partners to transform cities into safer and healthier place with better opportunities. Its global headquarters is in Nairobi, Kenya. The agency has placed special emphasis on upscaling its work in the host Country and in contributing in a variety of ways towards the development priorities set by Government. The engagements of UN Habitat in Kenya are guided by the Habitat Country Programme (2018-2021) developed jointly with Government and currently under review following its expiry in December 2021. 

The Kenya Country Programme Office coordinates UN-Habitat’s engagements with the Government and other partners and stakeholders is housed by the Regional Office for Africa (ROAf). It is involved in several interventions at national and county levels promoting sustainable urban development. 

The Habitat Country Programme for Kenya 

The Habitat Country Document (HCPD) is the framework for securing greater alignment of UN-Habitat’s normative and operational activities at Country level as set out by the UN-Habitat’s Governing Council Resolution 21/2 of 2007.  

The HCPD for Kenya has six Strategic Action Directions (SADs) that aims at promoting effective service delivery and sustainable urban development at national and county level:  

  • Improved Land Management and Sustainably Planned Human Settlements;
  • Improved Access to Quality Urban Basic Services and Infrastructure; 
  • Improved Access to Quality and Affordable Housing and Sustainable Slum Upgrading and Prevention; 
  • Innovation in Improving Urban Economy and Finance;
  • Improved Urban Governance and Resilience;
  • Improved Capacity Development and Sensitization. 

The Habitat Country Programme Document (HCPD) 2018 – 2021 ended in December 2021. Following the expiry of the HCPD 2018-2021, UN-Habitat has embarked on review it with an aim of extending it for three (3) years. UN Habitat is seeking the services of local Projects Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Expert to strengthen the capacity of the Country Programmes of Kenya in planning, monitoring evaluation and report on the implementation of the Habitat Country Programmes. This post is located at the Regional Office for Africa of UN Habitat.

The Assistant Project Monitoring & Evaluation officer will support implementation of programmes/projects within the Kenya Country Office of UN-Habitat under the overall supervision and guidance of the Senior Human Settlement Officer, Regional Office for Africa and working very closely with the National Project Officer, Urban Goverance and Management Expert and Housing and Urban Development Expert. 


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