
internship, February 2021 – NGO Jobs



Digital Opportunity Trust is a Canadian based non-profit development organisation registered under the FDRE Agency for Civil Society Organizations with a licence no: 3417. Since 2009, DOT has been committed to tackling poverty through entrepreneurship and business skills development among youth and young women in Ethiopia. Acknowledging youth unemployment as one of the major developments challenges the country is facing, DOT works to harness young people creative and entrepreneurial potential through training, intensive internship programme and use of ICT in their day-to-day life. Moreover, in its youth leadership development programme DOT encourages and supports youths to convert social issues and problems to business opportunities. To do so, DOT has established four business development service centres in Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Hawassa and Mekelle.

DOT envisions creating aspiring young leaders through its Youth Leadership Program which aims to make youth agents of change in their communities as community leaders and social innovators. DOT recruits fresh university graduates that have a passion to serve their community and takes them on a journey that prepares them to serve as community leaders, work in the social impact sector, or start social enterprise after their Internship. The overall process will enable them to gain intensive experience and hands on training on facilitation, coaching, action research, project management, entrepreneurship, leadership, ICT, business development, social innovation and communication skills.

This year, DOT will be including a social innovation component to the Youth Leadership Program. This component will support youth to gain the skills, knowledge, and tools to develop their own social innovation ideas. We are looking for youth who are creative, interested in social impact, and have an entrepreneurial spirit.


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