In what promises to be a gamechanger for the Western Cape’s economy, the Atlantis Special Economic Zone Company (ASEZCo) for green technologies will become a focal point for investment, with local businesses and residents benefiting. The Atlantis Revitalisation Framework by all three tiers of government has prioritised Atlantis as a greentech hub. The scheduling of the Atlantis Special Economic Zone (SEZ) State Owned Company (SOC) Limited as a provincial business enterprise, was approved by National Treasury on 15th December 2021.
Atlantis is the ideal location from which to compete in Africa’s growing green technology markets.
The ASEZCo is driving sustainable development and job creation by harnessing the opportunities in the growing green economy. The ASEZCo with its greentech theme is a unique SEZ that speaks to the needs of investors in greentech and sustainable manufacturing and is positioned as a cutting edge destination for manufacturers wanting to supply their technologies to Independent Power Producers bidding on the National Government renewable energy programme, the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP).
The ASEZCo is a key element in the Western Cape Government Economic Recovery Plan and the scheduling of the company as a provincial business enterprise bodes very well for its role as a key role-player in the renewable energy and green technology manufacturing sectors in the Western Cape’s Economic Recovery Plan.
The company seeks to attract greentech investors who embody the elements and ethos of green technology manufacturing and resource efficient cleaner production (RECP).
With the ASEZCo forming part of a mature and effective investment ecosystem in the Western Cape, your investment is sure to land in the most efficient manner. Partnerships with InvestSA, Wesgro, GreenCape and the City of Cape Town’s Enterprise and Investment Unit create an environment of rapid facilitation and access to opportunities, which is considered to be best practice globally.
The ASEZCo offers industrial-zoned land, a strong support base from government, as well as fruitful business relationships for investors.
The support received from this ecosystem can be leveraged to make your business more globally competitive. Opportunities to establish profitable trade relationships exist through Wesgro’s Trade facilitation unit as well as GreenCape’s membership to the International Cleantech Network (ICN). Both of these mechanisms provide immediate access to international markets growing your orderbook significantly and mitigating against supplying to a single market.
Precinct Plan: Atlantis Greentech SEZ
The City of Cape Town’s Enterprise and Investment Unit has a range of incentives for firms to invest in Atlantis and other industrial areas in Cape Town. These include both ‘Financial’ and ‘Non-Financial’.
The ASEZCo has been awarded R89 083 367,70 (including VAT) by the DTIC Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Fund for the construction of the civil infrastructure of Zone 1A of the ASEZ. This was the first application made to the SEZ fund by the ASEZCo.
In addition to this, the Land transaction agreement signed with the City of Cape Town for the land in Atlantis has been finalised. The land was provided to the ASEZCo in exchange for shares which has resulted in the CoCT becoming the minority shareholder alongside the Western Cape Government. The transfer of the land was conditional on the ASEZCo being listed Part D of Schedule 3 of the PFMA and the confirmation of the listing as a Public Entity was gazetted on 20 December 2021 by the Minister of Finance.
Atlantis is the ideal location from which to compete in Africa’s growing green technology markets.
The ASEZCo offers industrial-zoned land, a strong support base from government, as well as fruitful business relationships for investors, as you work closely with the locals and help uplift the community. This mutually beneficial relationship is a good foundation for sustainable productivity and success.
Interested greentech investors are invited to contact the ASEZCo below or visit