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The Open P-TECH for Africa programme has been announced by IBM and the African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI) to provide Kenya’s youth with skills related to the digital age and the marketplace.
The Open P-TECH for Africa programme will provide access to digital training for 50,000 Kenyan young people between the ages of 14 and 20 on new tools and technology designed to help them transition to a better future.
Open P-TECH for Africa will help empower Kenyan youth to bridge the gap in digital literacy with increasing youth unemployment, form a new talent pool created for jobs in the 21st century, allow them to plan technical careers and find jobs or even build their own start-ups.
Kenya’s ICT Authority is also a major stakeholder in the program, which aims to empower more Kenyan ICT youth.
Students can now prepare for careers, internships, apprenticeships and new-collar employment through the Open P-TECH for Africa and earn the same badges as professionals in their areas of interest. The program will affect young people in the workplace, entrepreneurs, educators, and developers, as well as learners who are looking to be better prepared for new collar careers, while focusing on young people aged 14-20.
The training will begin in February 2021. For more information visit African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute
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