
Huawei says Harmony operating system now available on 900-million devices


Shenzen — China’s Huawei Technologies said on Friday it had made breakthroughs in fields from operating systems to artificial intelligence, and that it had taken the company 10 years to do what the US and Europe took 30 years to achieve.

Richard Yu, chair of Huawei’s Consumer Business Group, was speaking at the opening of a three-day developer conference in the southern Chinese city of Dongguan, where he said the company’s Harmony operating system was now available on more than 900-million devices.

“Harmony has made major breakthroughs. You can say in 10 years we’ve achieved what it took our European and US counterparts more than 30 years to do, in terms of building the core technology of an independent operating system,” Yu said.

HarmonyOS is Huawei’s proprietary operating system which it launched in 2019, when US technology restrictions cut it off from Google support for the Android operating system it used in smartphones.

The company’s Ascend artificial intelligence infrastructure — the most powerful from a Chinese company — was now the second most popular after Nvidia, which dominates the market for AI chips, Yu added.


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