Stakeholders and partners in the agriculture, livestock and fishery sector were familiarized to the major results achieved by FAO in Senegal during the implementation of its 2019-2023 Country Programme Framework (CPF).
This activity of achievement sharing of FAO from 2019 to 2021 in Senegal, held on 4 March 2022, was an opportunity to show its expertise and especially its contribution to the implementation of the agricultural policy of the Government of Senegal in connection with its mission underlined by Dr Gouantoueu Robert Guéi, Sub-regional Coordinator for West Africa and FAO Representative in Senegal “FAO is accompanying Senegal in all sectors of the rural economy to improve agricultural, forestry and fisheries practices in order to sustainably manage natural resources, produce responsibly and ensure good nutrition for all. “
The country programming framework for Senegal was developed in a participatory and inclusive manner and is structured around three key priorities: (i) promotion of a sustainable, diversified, competitive, inclusive and growth-enhancing agro-sylvo-pastoral, fisheries and aquaculture sector; (ii) improvement of food security and nutrition and strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations; (iii) sustainable management of the environment and natural resources.
After three years of implementation, the CPF has to its credit numerous results generated through 40 projects for a total amount of 11,96322,1 US dollars. Among other results, with regard to the fight against desertification, the restoration of 6,000 ha of degraded land, the restoration of 1,000 ha of community reserve with the reintroduction of 6 oryx and the production of 12,000 m3 of fodder for animal feed. With regard to food security and through the One Million Cisterns for the Sahel Initiative,
200 15 m3 and 50 m3 cisterns were built for 10,000 women in 17 communes in Senegal to facilitate access to water and market gardening, and 10,000 women were trained in agro-ecological practices to improve their market gardening capacities and facilitate their access to nutritional products.
One of the CPF’s flagship achievements in Senegal is the development of the Model for the Integration of Young People in the Agri-Food Sector (MIJA), which has helped to train and support 500 young people and women in 124 microenterprises, integrated farms and enterprises in agricultural production and processing.
The representative of the Government of Senegal, Abdoulaye Didi Diouf from the Ministry of Economy, underlined the importance of the cooperation between Senegal and FAO: “This partnership programme between FAO and the Government of Senegal is part of the dynamics of promoting the integration of young people in the agrosylvo-pastoral and fisheries and aquaculture value chains around the agropoles in support of the implementation of the PAP 2A of Senegal.
Through the cooperation framework between the United Nations agencies and the Government of Senegal, the United Nations intend to provide a joint response to the priorities of the Government of Senegal, as set out in the “Senegal Emerging Plan”, in a united action approach.
The representatives of the operational and development partners present underlined and welcomed the quality of FAO’s interventions in the different regions of Senegal and reassured the UN agency of their availability to work for the well-being of the Senegalese people.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of FAO Regional Office for Africa.
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