
EOI – Ethiopia – Project Supervision and Management for Eastern Ethiopia Electricity Grid Reinforcement Project


The project includes: (i) construction of 158 km of 400 kV transmission lines, initially to be operated at 230 kV level, from Hurso to Jijiga through Harar substation, (ii) construction of 206 km single circuit 132kV transmission lines from Deghabur to Kebridehar through Birkot, 2.77 km double circuit 132 kV lines, and 3 km double circuit 66 kV to replace the existing single circuit 66 kV line from Harar III to Harar II substation, (iii) construction of two new 230 kV substations (Harar IV 230/132/33/15 kV, Jijiga II 230/132/33/15 kV) and extension of Hurso 230 kV substation, (iv) construct


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