Established in 1964, the African Development Bank is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 81 member states, including 54 in Africa (Regional Member Countries). The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and technical support for transformative projects that will significantly reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth. In order to sharply focus the objectives of the Ten-Year Strategy (2023 – 2032) and ensure greater developmental impact, five major areas (High 5s), all of which will accelerate our delivery for Africa, have been identified for scaling up, namely; energy, agro-business, industrialization, integration and improving the quality of life for the people of Africa
The Vice-Presidency for Private Sector, Infrastructure and Industrialization is central to the Bank’s mission of developing the private sector, improving infrastructure and accelerating industrialization. The complex main functions are to strengthen the enabling environment for private sector and financial sector development conducive to inclusive growth and sustainable development, support the development of reliable and sustainable infrastructure, including cities and urban development, and place renewed emphasis on industrial and trade performance in support of structural transformation across Africa. The Complex leverages knowledge, co-financing, and partnerships to attract private capital and work with governments on delivering the Bank’s development agenda.
The role of the Infrastructure and Urban Development Directorate is to foster advancement of infrastructure and urban development in Africa. The Department provides assistance to the Bank Regional Member Countries (RMCs) in the form of sovereign and non-sovereign loans and grants to finance transport infrastructure and urban development projects and programs. The Department also undertakes analytical and advisory activities to underpin lending programs and support policy dialogue with RMCs to formulate and implement infrastructure and urban development sector reforms ensuring that best practices are mainstreamed in policy, planning, programming, institutional governance, and maintenance and operation.
The Infrastructure Partnerships Division provides managerial oversight of the NEPAD- Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF) and the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) initiatives and coordinates infrastructure knowledge generation, project preparation activities, PPP Advisory, and Infrastructure partnerships.
The Manager, Infrastructure Partnership Division will lead and/or coordinate activities related to infrastructure projects preparation and PPP Advisory, Infrastructure knowledge generation/dissemination, and partnerships to support the Bank’s infrastructure agenda and the delivery of the High 5s.
Under the overall supervision of the Director – Infrastructure and Urban development, the Division Manager will perform the following:
Operations and Partnerships Coordination
- Coordinate infrastructure partnership initiatives and work with all departments/divisions dealing with infrastructure development across the Bank and ensure coherence and synergy in the Bank’s overall approach to infrastructure knowledge generation, project preparation, PPPs, and partnerships;
- Coordinate and support PPP-related activities at the AfDB in the context of the implementation of the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Framework and the operationalization of the provision of transaction advice to clients with a view to achieve bankable PPP projects
- Provide transaction advisory services to clients in order to deliver bankable PPP projects, coordinates and supports PPP-related activities in AfDB;
- Serve as the Secretariat for the Bank’s Infrastructure Steering Committee;
- Leverage existing and future global and continental infrastructure platform to support the Bank’s infrastructure agenda;
- Oversee the work of the NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF) and the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA);
- Develop partnership for the development of infrastructure programs and projects, primarily within the Infrastructure and Urban Development Department and with other Infrastructure departments where necessary;
- Manage NEPAD-IPPF project preparation activities, especially resources mobilization, donors/partners relationship management, portfolio coordination, monitoring and reporting;
- Develop strong working relationship/partnership with internal infrastructure complexes, external project preparation/development facilities for pipeline sharing, joint project preparation and project development.
- Undertake knowledge generation and management work as it relates to infrastructure development and geared towards generating new business for the Bank;
- Develop partnerships with Multilateral, Bilateral, National Development Agencies, NGOs and relevant regional and sub-regional bodies active in the infrastructure space;
- Manage a small, specialist team of Infrastructure experts to meet demanding Key Performance Indicators (KPIs);
- Develop and safeguard the Bank’s brand as a source of Infrastructure knowledge for Africa by detailing the quality of output expected from the division and ensuring that it is attained;
- Manage the administrative budget for the division;
- Mobilize resources from donors to support the work of the division.
- Develop strategies and plans to drive PPP work in the Bank.
COMPETENCIES (skills, experience and knowledge):
- Hold at least a Master’s degree in Economics, International Development, Engineering, Management, Business Administration or related discipline
- Have a minimum of eight (08) years of relevant professional experience in Infrastructure development and project management, with a minimum of three (03) years’ experience at a managerial level
- Public and/or private sector experience involving infrastructure policy, Public Private Partnerships, concessions, or privatization
- Solid experience in infrastructure development, project preparation and PPP advisory, infrastructure finance, and related issues at continental level and good knowledge of the MDBs infrastructure ecosystem
- Deep technical knowledge and experience in one or more of the following areas: project preparation, PPP Advisory, resource mobilization, partnerships, related to transport, energy, water, and ICT infrastructure.
- Good knowledge of financing instruments, project cycle, and infrastructure value chains
- Effective consultation and advisory skills coupled with a client orientation
- Range of inter-personal skills and an ability to vary their use according to the audience
- Operational effectiveness, Objective setting and staff evaluation
- Good capacity for innovation, creativity, and ability to work in a team to solve problems
- Excellent communication skills with fluency in spoken and written English or French, and a working knowledge of the other language
- Competence in the use of standard Microsoft Office Suite applications; Knowledge of SAP is an added advantage.