FUNCTIONAL COMPETENCIES:Building Strategic PartnershipsLevel 1.1: Maintaining information and databasesAnalyzes general information and selects materials in support of partnership building initiativesPromoting Organizational Learning and ...
Internal/External Vacancy AnnouncementEngenderHealth is a leading global women’s health organization. EngenderHealth’s vision is a world where sexual and reproductive health rights are respected ...
(Ecofin Agency) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi announced last March 15 his intention to increase the minimum wage for civil servants. The ...
Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Inclusive Development in Africa post-COVID-19 | African Development Bank - Building today, a better Africa tomorrow ]]]]]]>]]]]>]]> ]]]]>]]> ]]]]]]>]]]]>]]> ...
Image: Daniel Schludi As scientists raced to develop Covid-19 vaccines, public health specialists were hoping that more than one group would succeed. Having ...