
Angola Conducts Self-Assessment of International Health Regulations


Luanda, 8 August 2023 – The Ministry of Health, with the support of WHO, held a multidisciplinary workshop with the participation of 43 professionals to conduct the preparatory self-assessment of 19 technical areas, which precedes the joint external assessment of the country’s capacity to respond to possible emergency outbreaks.

According to the WHO Acting Representative in Angola, Dr Humphrey Karamagi, the external assessment process is an integral component of the ongoing capacity-building process in the country for the implementation of the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR).

“This initiative will allow us to identify the main gaps in human, animal and environmental health and prioritise opportunities to improve preparedness and response, promoting dialogue with current and potential partners and donors.”

Under the IHR, protecting populations from disease and surveillance and response requires World Health Organisation (WHO) Member States to develop and maintain minimum essential capacities to detect, assess, report and respond to any potential public health event of national and international concern.

To this end, WHO recommends that Member States conduct a Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of the operational capacities of the International Health Regulations, including corresponding efforts to improve health, regularly every 4 to 5 years.

This process aims to ensure reliable information on countries’ preparedness and response and progress towards developing the required core IHR capacities, i.e. the ability of governments to prevent, detect and respond rapidly to public health events or risks.

Non-compliance with the IHR can significantly affect the functioning of the health sector due to a lack of country ownership of the evaluation process, opportunities for self-learning and awareness-raising, intersectoral and multisectoral collaboration, transparency and mutual accountability, with severe consequences for the health and well-being of populations.

Joint External Evaluation is a voluntary, dynamic and engaging process involving all sectors that enable countries to improve disease detection, surveillance and response capacities, intersectoral collaboration, transparency, mutual accountability and dialogue, and to target resources to protect populations effectively.

WHO Team collecting information on health in the communities WHO Team collecting information on health in the communities


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