Créée en 1979, Action contre la Faim est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale qui lutte contre la faim dans le monde. Sa charte des principes humanitaires – indépendance, neutralité, non-discrimination, accès libre et direct aux victimes, professionnalisme, transparence – fonde son identité depuis plus de 40 ans. Sa mission est de sauver des vies en éliminant la faim par la prévention, la détection et le traitement de la sous-nutrition, en particulier pendant et après les situations d’urgence liées aux conflits et aux catastrophes naturelles. Action contre la Faim coordonne ses programmes autour de 5 domaines d’activités : Nutrition et Santé – Santé Mentale, Soutien Psychosocial et Protection – Sécurité Alimentaire et Moyens d’Existence – Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène – Plaidoyer. En 2021, Action contre la Faim est venue en aide à plus de 25 millions de personnes dans 46 pays à travers le monde.
The Nutrition and Health Programme Manager (PM) is responsible for the overall management including personnel, Budget, Logistics and work plans management of Health and Nutrition project implemented in Borno state (Monguno Kaga, and Konduga LGAs). The post holder is also in charge throughout the project life cycle, this involves effectively managing and reporting on the projects in line with its specific scope, schedule, resources, quality, risks, representation, coordination and contractual requirements.
Your main tasks are to:
– Establish and supervise activities in the framework of health and nutritional projects
– Organise staff development programmes for the AAH teams and State Primary health care Development Agency (SPHCDA) health workers
– Training and managing the programme team
– Develop and direct operations
– Represent AAH and develop local partnerships
– Information management, reporting and coordination
You hold a degree in nutrition & health, public health, nursing, or general medicine, with 3 years or more of professional experience in a similar N&H programme management role, more specifically in Public Health and CMAM programming.
Furthermore, you have a confirmed experience in managing, capacity building, and the transfer of knowledge to your teams.
You have an excellent knowledge of the English language and strong analytical, synthesis, and writing skills.
You are prepared to live and work in an uncertain security environment.
– 5 months fixed term contract under French legislation
– Monthly gross salary from 2010 to 2335EUR upon experience
– Monthly per diem and living allowance: 754 USD net, field paid
– Monthly country allowance: 450EUR
– Child allowance: 1500EUR per year per child present in the country of origin (maximum 6000EUR/year)
– 16% of the gross monthly salary for pension insurance reimbursement for non-French citizens
– Transportation and accommodation: Coverage of transportation costs and guest house
– Medical coverage: 100% coverage of health contributions (social security + health insurance) and repatriation insurance
– Leaves and RnR: 25 days of paid leaves per year, 20 RnR per year and 215 EUR at each RnR period
– Training: Free and unlimited access to the certifying e-learning platform Crossknowledge ©