
GIS, M&E, and Mobile Data Collection Specialist


Short-Term Consultancy, based in Angola | Mozambique | Guinea Bissau

Member of Geo-Enabling team for Monitoring and Supervision (GEMS)

-Fluency in Portuguese and English as well as advanced GIS skills required-

A. Background: Operational Context in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCS)

Fragility, Conflict, and Violence (FCV) impact the lives of over a quarter of the world’s population. Fragility, violent conflict and poverty are undoubtedly interlinked. About 60 percent of the world’s extreme poor are expected to live in FCV contexts by 2030. Addressing the challenge of FCV is a strategic priority for the World Bank Group (WBG).**

Limited access in FCV contexts inhibits the World Bank from serving some of the people most in need. The lack of physical access and insights into specific dynamics and needs in FCV contexts inhibits operational engagement, precisely in some of the areas where development interventions are most urgently needed.

To reach the most vulnerable, we need to get eyes on the ground where we cannot always have feet on the ground.

B. ICT for Operational Effectiveness in FCV contexts and the GEMS Initiative

The main pillar of ICT support provided by the FCV Group consists in rolling out the GEMS initiative systematically across fragile states, to geo-enable operations for remote project supervision, M&E, and third-party monitoring.

Development Objective: The GEMS method enables project teams to use open source tools for in-field collection of structured digital data that automatically feeds into a centralized M&E system. The integrated data can include any kind of indicators, based on tailor-made forms. Using these tools systematically allows operations to enhance the transparency and accuracy of M&E.

Focus of the GEMS method: The core of the GEMS methodology is an interactive face-to-face or online training with 2 main aims:**

a) Building M&E capacity among government agencies, WBG Task Teams, and Country Teams to use the GEMS methodology independently and sustainably, customized to their specific project needs.

b) Implementing the method systematically across the portfolio, to allow for real-time supervision and coordination of operations via a centralized platform that puts all field data on an interactive map.

GEMS use for the COVID-19 response: During the COVID-19 response, GEMS can be leveraged for operational monitoring and remote supervision of WBG-funded projects during preparation and implementation.

C. Objective and Scope of Work: Leveraging ICT to Enhance M&E, Supervision, and Citizen Engagement

  1. The FCV Group is looking to hire a short-term consultant (STC) to join the GEMS team. The consultant will be based in Washington DC and fully embedded in the GEMS team, within the World Bank’s Fragility, Conflict and Violence Group. The consultant will also closely work with other units of the WBG, in particular the Geospatial Operations Support Team (GOST).**
  2. The focus of the consultancy will be to support the team in systematically implementing the GEMS methodology across WBG portfolios in FCV contexts at a global scale. This will require the consultant to periodically travel to developing countries, including fragile and conflict-affected states, to conduct trainings in the GEMS methodology. Moreover, the consultant will be responsible for regular follow-up engagement and technical support to clients, as required. **
  3. A complementary focus will be on developing training guidelines, protocols and technical platforms, for systematizing and scaling the GEMS support across FCV clients. The consultant will support the team in (1) rolling out a standard learning package on the GEMS methodology; (2) developing and managing cost-effective spatial monitoring platforms on which project data can be geo-mapped and related to contextual insight; and (3) establishing internal standards and guidelines for the sustainable implementation of the GEMS method and its gradual scaling across client countries.
  4. The consultant will also support the FCV Group on the wider ICT4FCV agenda. In this regard, the consultant will work with the team to explore and apply complementary field-appropriate ICT tools and procedures to increase effectiveness and accountability of operational engagement in fragile states. ICT-based approaches that will be explored include inter alia (a) the use of mobile networks and SMS-based systems for citizen engagement, beneficiary feedback, and grievance redress mechanisms; (b) leveraging ‘big data’, call detail records, and other data sources for risk monitoring and displacement tracking; and (c) satellite-based earth observation and remote sensing through drones and sensor technology for supervision and monitoring activities. The above list is not exhaustive and may be extended during implementation of the activity.**

D. Deliverables

The selected STC will be responsible for the following main deliverables:

a. Deliver GEMS capacity-building trainings in Portuguese and English to project task teams, client Project Implementation Units, and partners in select client countries on a global scale.**

b. Train World Bank staff in the GEMS method (train-the-trainers approach).**

c. Conduct geospatial analysis and prepare maps on demand.

d. Support back-office tasks required for the systematic application of the GEMS method across the WBG portfolio in FCV contexts.

e. Provide follow-up support to clients, CMUs and project teams to ensure that the system is leveraged sustainably.

f. Digitize data collection questionnaires for specific clients and projects.**

g. Explore options for collaboration on data exchange and analysis with partners.**

h. Produce practical guidance material and source books on complementary field-appropriate ICT tools and procedures for operational engagement in FCV contexts.**

i. Conduct or support geo-spatial analysis for clients and Bank teams.

j. Produce or support the production of static and interactive maps, upon demand.

E. Selection Criteria

The ideal candidate will have a primary expertise in M&E, FCV, and ICT as well as an in-depth understanding of World Bank operations, policies and procedures. S/he will be familiar with ways in which technology can be applied to monitor projects and other dynamics on the ground and will meet the following selection criteria:

k. Master’s degree or PhD in either (i) engineering, geography, or computer science; or (ii) development studies, international relations, public policy or a related field. In both cases, specific experience in using ICT to boost development effectiveness will be crucial.**

l. At least 5 years of experience in issues related to M&E, ICT, geospatial analysis or development/humanitarian work, with a clear demonstration of the ability to apply technologies to solve the challenges of development/humanitarian interventions.**

m. Knowledge of M&E systems, especially as they apply to fragile contexts, demonstrated through field experience.**

n. Excellent communication skills, with an ability to adapt to an audience that is operational, but not necessarily knowledgeable of ICT issues.**

o. Fluent Portuguese and English language skills, enabling the consultant to conduct interactive technical trainings in French and to produce high-quality written outputs in both languages**

p. Advanced skills in MS office applications, in particular Excel and PowerPoint.**

q. Excellent workflow management skills and a proactive attitude.**

r. Knowledge of FCV issues and travel experience to fragile states is preferred.**

F. Administrative Arrangements

The selected consultant will be contracted by the FCV Group for a period of about 75 days, at a fee to be negotiated with the supervisor. The Consultant will report to a Task Team Leader based in Washington DC. S/he will closely collaborate with the World Bank’s FCV Group and the Geospatial Operational Support Team (GOST), based in Washington DC, and with other relevant teams, as needed.

The contract will comprise the Fiscal Year 2021 (until June 30, 2021), with the option of extension. The consultant will be based in an African Lusophone country, such as Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, but will be expected to travel to various client countries, in particular fragile states in Africa.**


GPN – Maroc – Travaux d’aménagement du Datacenter du Ministère de la Santé

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