On a panel on Africa’s New Partnership with DFIs organized by law firm King and Spalding, General Counsel Kimberly Heimert highlighted the multipier effect of Infrastructure in facilitating trade, improving mobility, and generating greater employment opportunities, which boosts overall economic productivity ensures Africa’s resilience against future crises.
“Ex Africa semper aliquid novi – Gaius Plinius Secundus. This ancient Roman proverb, translated as “from Africa always something new”, aptly captures the ways in which businesses have found innovative solutions to seemingly intractable problems in Africa. For example, mobile banking business models, now used globally, emerged in Africa in response to the significant infrastructure challenges of traditional retail banking.
Amidst the unprecedented and multifaceted challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic, key business leaders and entrepreneurs from the private sector and development finance institutions, as well as legal and academic professionals, will discuss the challenges and opportunities that this pandemic offers global institutions and businesses with Africa operations. The panels will focus on the fields of private equity, trade/supply chains, international arbitration, development finance, and compliance/investigations, with two wide-ranging General Counsel fora, culminating in a panel of successful African entrepreneurs who will share their insights on innovation in the midst of challenges.
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