
Amazon’s next headquarters is a glass poop emoji – Techgist Africa


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The next headquarters for Amazon is a glass poop emoji covered in trees. 

For the next portion of its Arlington, Virginia headquarters, Amazon has unveiled the concept, and one building stands out far from the rest: a spinning glass tower covered in trees that rises to a point above the rest of the skyline of the area. As its corkscrew shape is meant to take inspiration from “the natural beauty of a double helix,” Amazon calls the building “the Helix.”

The Helix will be filled on the inside with a “variety of alternative work environments” that can be used by Amazon employees. There will be two sets of spiraling paths on the outside, lined with local plants that you will be able to practically hike up. (Although you may want to carry a water bottle, the renders tend to show stairs along the entire road, meaning that it’s a steep path up.) According to the Wall Street Journal, the building will be 350 feet tall. Amazon says that on weekends, it plans to offer public tours. 

Amazon has announced plans for the campus surrounding it, along with the Helix. Three 22-story buildings along the Helix are being built.

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