
Vodacom Collaborates with GSMA To Drive Digital Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities – Techgist Africa


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To commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on the 3rd of December 2020, Vodacom in partnership with GSMA Assistive Tech, launched the “Principles for driving digital inclusion of people with disabilities”.

The framework aims at bridging the mobile disability gap and foster digital inclusion of the disabled in the mobile industry.

It is also funded by UK aid from the UK government. Speaking at the event, Shameel Joosub, Chief Executive Officer of Vodacom Group, said “Vodacom’s vision of connecting everyone for a better future has enabled Vodacom to embrace the digital inclusion of consumers with disabilities for more than a decade.”

Three core principles established by the initiative are:

1. Embrace disability inclusion at every level of their organization.

2. Understand how to reach and better serve persons with disabilities.

3. Deliver inclusive products and services that meet the varied needs of people with disabilities.

In line with this, Vodacom has established an Accessibility Office to drive the digital inclusion of disabled consumers and create accessible solutions that meet their needs.

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