
Airopay Launches Business Operations in Nigeria – Techgist Africa


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On November 24th, 2020, Airopay officially launched its service in the Nigerian market after recently signing Mr. Richard Mofe Damijo (RMD) as the brand ambassador.

Airopay is a payment infrastructure solution designed to enable bill payments in Nigeria for their user home or abroad, make transfers, and receive cash regardless of their geographical locations at super-fast speed all from a mobile phone.

Chief Executive Officer Airopay, Charles John Oyakhilome shared that “The ultimate goal of the brand is to make mobile payments across borders very easy’’.

The Chief Financial Officer, Adedayo Johnson, also added that “Our users will enjoy an unbeatable interest rate of 16 percent on Savings, access to Loans within 24 hours and Bill Payment transactions, different from what the general public has experienced.”

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