The position is located at UNODC Regional Office for West and Central Africa, in Dakar, Senegal. The Legal Expert will work under the direct supervision of the Programme Coordinator (Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants) based in Dakar, in close cooperation with other Project staff and the Head of the Law Enforcement Section, as well as under the overall guidance of the UNODC Regional Representative, ROSEN.
The Legal Expert assigned to the project team will be tasked to design and prepare tools and materials on smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons to support the unit in delivering technical assistance activities on TIP&SOM. In addition, the Legal Expert will also deliver technical trainings on legal aspects to strengthen the national capacities of legal drafters, criminal justice actors and law enforcement officers under the PROMIS project to effectively prosecute migrant smuggling.
The consultant will support the project XAW/W36 “Strengthening the capacities of West African states to develop a human rights-based response to smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons and to effectively respond to human rights violations related to irregular migration”, with a specific focus on assessing and strengthening national legal and policy frameworks on smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons through parliamentary sensitization, legal drafting and capacity building for judiciary.
The Consultant will promote the work of UNODC against trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants in West and Central Africa within the overall framework of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, both supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, as well as support the implementation of UNODC’s Regional Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants in West and Central Africa.
Within the framework of this assignment, the consultant will be required to deliver the following specific outputs:
- Prepare model presentations and material on legal aspects related to smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons to be used by the TIP&SOM unit, and provide trainings to the unit on these tools and on different aspects related to TIP&SOM in the region;
- Provide support to the programme coordinator on programme management tasks, such as drafting proposals, background notes, reports and substantive documents on TIP&SOM;
Deliver effective substantive and technical assistance through the delivery of training to national counterparts in the five (7) beneficiary countries and other countries covered by the UNODC Regional Office, upon request, on legal aspects related to countering smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons;
Deliverable A
- Provide a sensitization session for parliamentarians in The Gambia for the enactment of the draft Bill against Smuggling of Migrants 2019;
- Throughout the entire duration of the contract provide inputs to background notes and substantive documents on trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling, especially in relation to substantive legal issues.
Output Working Days 11 WD
To be accomplished by (date) 30 November 2020
Percentage of payment 10%
Deliverable B
- Deliver a comprehensive training (method of delivery TBD) on international mechanisms of cooperation related to countering smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons in The Gambia, and other countries in the region as required.
- Prepare modules adapted to the needs of the region on trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, to be used by the unit for training delivery, advocacy and sensitization events, including on the linkages between forced marriage and trafficking.
- Design and deliver in-house training on selected topics, trends and studies on TIP and SOM.
Output Working Days 21 WD
To be accomplished by (date) 31 December 2020
Percentage of payment 18%
Deliverable C
- Deliver a training workshop for diplomats as needed in the region (method of delivery TBD) related to trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling;
- Provide effective substantive and technical legal advice to national counterparts from beneficiary countries on building strong cases against TIP and SOM in West Africa.
Output Working Days 20 WD
To be accomplished by (date) 31 January 2021
Percentage of payment 17%
Deliverable D
- Designed and conduct training workshops on Building effectively a SOM case: preparing law enforcement agencies, and prosecutors
Output Working Days 20 WD
To be accomplished by (date) 28 February 2021
Percentage of payment 17%
Deliverable E
- Complete a mapping exercise of the legislation on TiP and SoM in all countries covered by the Regional Office (22 countries)
- Designed a training module: Train of Trainers session on in-depth investigative techniques for effective filing and prosecution, to be used and implemented in the region
Output Working Days 23 WD
To be accomplished by (date) 31 March 2021
Percentage of payment 19%
Deliverable F
- Design and deliver a training module on comparative Islamic law and its application in TIP and SOM cases
Output Working Days 22 WD
To be accomplished by (date) 30 April 2021
Percentage of payment 19%
Payments will be made upon satisfactory completion and/or submission of outputs/deliverables.
All the outputs should meet the satisfaction of the PROMIS Project Coordinator, as well as the UNODC ROSEN Regional Representative, according to the following criteria:
- Quality of the outputs submitted
- Technical competence
- Timeliness of the delivery
Payments will be made upon satisfactory completion and/or submission of outputs/deliverables.